The online racing simulator
Water found on Mars!!
(17 posts, started )
Water found on Mars!!
Yup thats true!

Hahaha, pretty good :P
The first one someone posted was funny.

/me waits for the rush of new topics in this style.
#4 - ORION
just like the GTA on PC thread :P
#5 - aoun
Well, looks like i got fooled again.

We need a name for this everytime sometime buys the title. (Sorta like rick rolled)
Fooled again. But I am pretty keen on what the latest probe will find there.
Hahah, you got me there .
damn, i got fooled again...
lol, seen it before, pretty funny. But i think they will discover something.
I guess that Riders Motion started a new trend.
they did found water on the planet mars,
but its so saulty, nothing could survive in it
Is the water warm?
lol, I'm too gullible
dont think so,
since it doesnt have an ozon layer, it will be freezin out there
Untill the sun comes overhead. Then it gets burning hot. Still better than the caustic atmospere on other planets, but not well suited for life as we know it.

Water found on Mars!!
(17 posts, started )