ok everytime i open up lfs my wheel is either set at an angle or when i spin the wheel about 5 degrees the wheel in the car turns to full lock how do i stop this!!!!!!!!!
Make sure it is setup like this in the profiler (attached file) and then select what steering degree's you want.
Then, go into the game, and go to options>controls>Axi's. At the bottom, there is a button that says "Calibrate Axi's". Make sure your wheel is in the centre and then click it. Then, turn your wheel all the way to the left and leave it there for a second, then, put it back into the centre and leave it for a second. Then, turn the wheel all the way to the right and leave it there for a second, then back to centre, and again, leave it there for a second. Then, you need to do the pedals. First, press the accelerator fully down, then release completely. Then do the same to all the pedals. Then, the wheel should be correctly set up!
Also, dont forget to turn "analogue steer smooth" to 0.00, as it will make the wheel more responsive. I hope this has helped you mate.
Whoops! sorry, the button is'nt at the bottom no more but at the right. I have'nt played LFS in a long time so i was'nt aware it moved. Anyway, a picture is attached. Make sure it is on the "unlock" option too.
Sometimes if I plug in my wheel after starting LFS my wheel behaves erratically too, since it appears to loose calibration. All I need to do is turn it from lock to lock in game (after starting the race) and it will recalibrate itself.
Thats just your wheel doing its self calibration. It does that to check if there is anything inside stopping movement too. But yes, once you do lock-to-lock in game, it will calibrate itself. But it wont if it is already out of calibration.