Guess the movie
(643 posts, started )
munich! .... not....

Ben how the heck you watch tooooo many movies
Punishment park?
Nice one.

Really good film... everyone should see it.

edit: got a feeling you haven't, though. :P
lol no I haven't. could someone else post a picture please, I have to go to college now.
Is that Bob Hoskins in the back seat?
No its not Bob Hoskins.

It's a spanish cult movie.
Day of the Beast?
Really funny movie.

Hmm, let's see... let's keep it rolling with another Spanish cult film:

Frida, naturaleza viva ?
Correct, Fujiwara!
Here it goes,

Edit: One more pic guys ?
Here's another pic
Hmm, looks very familiar.
New picture.
Ivan's Childhood?

Doubt it is that tough... looks familiar too
Fahrenheit 451
Quote from DeadWolfBones :Fahrenheit 451

I was about to post the solution today, since no one was willing to try.

Correct Mr. Bones.
I knew it was familiar. :P

New one:

Yep, correct.

Someone else gets to do one.
I'll take another go.
Attached images
it's a bit blurry Liner32

Guess the movie
(643 posts, started )