The online racing simulator
Whats your browser?
(66 posts, started )

Poll : What browser do you use?

Firefox 2
Firefox 3
Whats your browser?
Whats your browser?

Opera (ver)
Firefox (ver)
IE (7 or 6 or 5)
or another one.
Safari, when it crashes, and that is frequently, I use Firefox.
How do you get Safari to crash?! I don't think I could pay it to crash. Firefox on the other hand...
Firefox 3.0 rc1
Firefox here. I've seen nothing from Safari or Opera that makes me want to change.

Quote from dawesdust_12 :How do you get Safari to crash?! I don't think I could pay it to crash. Firefox on the other hand...

I managed it within a minute of installing it.

Firefox on the other hand, i can't remember crashing in years. I'm sure it must have done but i don't remember it. King of browsers, by a long way.
Quote from The Moose :Firefox on the other hand, i can't remember crashing in years. I'm sure it must have done but i don't remember it. King of browsers, by a long way.

Firefox crashes every day for me, I'm running linux and my flash plugin has some sort of glitch or something and it brings the browser down with it lol
#8 - MR_B

I laugh at IE users in the same way that I laugh at AOL customers...
Firefox here aswell. It crashes once in a blue moon.
Firefox Yeaaaaah!!, the last version used to crash a lot here but maybe it was my pc, now it doesnt
Firefox crashed on my mac but the only real difference I saw was that tabs were a bit easier to manage compared to safari. On my PC i use firefox.
btw those mac commercials are bullshit, my macbook gets the beachball of death far more often (every time I close a streaming video) than I have any problems with XP.
I still use Firefox...

BTW you can make a poll, it will be better
well, i use opera,
it kinda sucks, but i just use it, i dont wanna use IE, and firefox crashes for me when i have ALOT of tabs open,
olso opera has a start page, wheree you can add 9 pages, for quick navigating
Opera 9.26, and for the sites that don't support it I have Firefox Used to be a big FF fan for about 3 years.
I flick between Opera, Firefox and Safari when I get suitably annoyed with one.

First off was Firefox, but when you've had it running for 2 weeks or so it's insane memory leak just brings the mac to a grinding halt, so that went in the bin to be replaced by Safari.

Which is OK except it has essentially 0 useful features, crashes pretty frequently, can't close tabs with middle mouse button, can't safe sessions without payware addon etc etc.

Then I moved onto Opera having used it on PC for years, and is still the most feature rich browser out of the box. It's only problem is it really doesn't render some pages correctly.

So now it's back to FF3 RC1 for a bit until I get annoyed with that.
Firefox =]
i like Safari but its kinda slow =S
and IE just sucks so bad that i never use it.

cant wait til the release day for FF3 =D
newst version of firefox
#18 - Dmt
Opera 9.50b2
Firefox, safari's ok but it doesn't support all forms of Microsoft HTML, IE, yeah, ok, doe's micro update's but that's all.

I'm still trying to get firefox itself to crash on either apple or pc on my network, ( 70+ machines, are you sure it's not machine crash related ? )
Opera, but now I get rid of it... Mozilla is waaaay faster!
at this moment Safari on my mobile, when on my PC Firefix is my main browser (as a developer Firebug is just awesome) and sometimes IE because - well stuff I write has to work with it so I may aswell have it setup how I like...

I don't condone the use of Opera or Safari...
Opera Windows build 10034 (9.5 snapshot)
When some bug occurs, I use Opera 9.27
When some bug occurs with that (which happens a few times in a year) I fire up IE6.

On my phone I use Opera Mobile and Opera Mini. When something doesn't work there (haven't seen that yet), I just don't use the site.
IE6 pwns all! Firefox sucked too much ass on my comp because it lagged too much!
Quote from hiroshima guy :IE6 pwns all! Firefox sucked too much ass on my comp because it lagged too much!


Firefox+opera btw.
Firefox, as of a few weeks ago when my mum accidentally downloaded it with some real player update

Only crashed once, and that was my fault!

So much better than IE, which crashed all the time.

Whats your browser?
(66 posts, started )