The online racing simulator
Awesome, nice surprise!

You must have your hands full with all this work, and the new baby.

Anyways congratulations on the new child, glad to hear he made it just fine.

Arr He is lovely Scawen. COngratulations to you Both. Glad everybody is well and welcome to the Sleepless Night Club

Please pass on Congrats to Geraldine also, as I know they do all the hard work, she looks really well, and we just get to suck on the gas and air. Scawen, please tell me you tried it
Gongrats Scawen & Geraldine!

Quote from Frankmd :I think you'll have to hire someone to sleep for you... LFS in daytime, then a baby keeping you awake during the night...

Lol, that's the first thing that came to my mind /
Erm... let me say it so: Thats a very very good excuse and a very good answer why we dont have the final S2 yet.

Congratulations, I still need practice for that difficult life-lesson
LFS will never be finished now this little one has come along.

J/k - Congrats to you both.

I know someone who's got a few minimoto's going cheap scawen, if you're interested?
Congratulations to you and your wife buddy. Good job!
congrats scawen! best wishes to you!
Congrats! They make you understand what life is all about
#34 - Jakg
congratulation, hopefully, if you get him addicted to LFS soon enough, hell keep bugging you for patches and youll be powerless to resist!
Woooooot, woooooot. Nice side project! Best wishes to you, Geraldine and Leo, newest member of the Roberts Racing Team
#36 - th84
congrats scawen!!
congratulation scawen

Best wishes for Geraldine, you and of course Leo
Congratulations to Geraldine and Scawen.
And don't forget to tell Leo in a few years ... JOIN

dSk|Racing, Germany
Congratulation to the family.
Now we've got real son of LFS
#40 - DeeS

Grats Mr.Scawen we'll want to see baby with wheel now... ;]

Grats again ;]
#41 - Don
i cant see a PC in the baby´s room, also no wheel. Dont wait to long to get these things in there.

Congrats an the best Wishes to all of You!
Congrats! Best Wishes for all three of you.
Congratulations to you and Geraldine :clapclap:
Quote from Silncr :i cant see a PC in the baby´s room, also no wheel. Dont wait to long to get these things in there.

But race frame is ready as I can see here...

Only wheel and PC is missing

Congratulations to you both, nice to see that you still have time for the important things in life

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New Member of Development Team! :)
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