'EU wide' Radiation Alert! A power plant in Slovinia is being shut dow after 'leak'
Aargh there's panic on the street of London, panic on the street of Birminigham...and I wonder too my self.

Could I be overreacting just a little CLICK HERE FOR DOOMSDAY NEWS.
Meh, even if it does go bang we're far enough away to not worry about it.

Though I have found the what caused the leak.

Quote :which has a US-made pressurised water reactor.

#4 - J@tko
Quick run for it we need to invent a teleport so we can live for speed inside live for speed.
Oh no, we're all going to die.

Wait, which part of:
Quote :...there appears to have been no discharge into the environment. [...] There is no off-site impact and there is no need for off-site protective measures.

was tricky to understand?
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :Meh, even if it does go bang we're far enough away to not worry about it.

When Tsjernobyl exploded, the first nuclear bits were found in Sweden. It might not have a lot of effect, but it's there.
Quote from sgt.flippy :When Tsjernobyl exploded, the first nuclear bits were found in Sweden. It might not have a lot of effect, but it's there.

Some of the fallout made it to the UK too, but from memory it had very minimal effect on anything.
Quote from sgt.flippy :When Tsjernobyl exploded, the first nuclear bits were found in Sweden. It might not have a lot of effect, but it's there.

Yea some nuclear dust reached as far as the UK from the Chernobyl disaster, but its not too deadly, however you do need to clean it up asap or it will have a large negative impact on the ecosystem, where ever the nuclear dust is absorbed into the ground.
Someone must have tried to turn a control knob to the right, but being US made it had to have a mechanical failure.
Does this mean S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2?
Yey! I've always wanted additional arms, or maybe I could get some wings?
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :Some of the fallout made it to the UK too, but from memory it had very minimal effect on anything.

Supposedly some Scottish sheep are still emitting (very weak) radiation from Chernobyl.
#14 - 5haz
Not only that but the UK had its own Nuclear leak, Windscale remember.

I bet that certainly caused some sheep to emit radiation.

I hope BBC haven't got it wrong though, I once heard that they told Gorbachev back in Russia that there had only been a minor incident at Chernobyl, and he only found out about how bad it was quite a while later when Sweden phoned him to tell him that they were getting nuked with fallout!
Quote from ajp71 :Supposedly some Scottish sheep are still emitting (very weak) radiation from Chernobyl.

You can see them glowing on the hills on certain nights, it's what atrracts the tourists mainly. Well that and the Haggis creature that roams the step hills of Ben Nevis.
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :Some of the fallout made it to the UK too, but from memory it had very minimal effect on anything.

all welsh lamb is grazed on non irradiated land for two weeks before slaughter! Luckily lambs are resilient little bugge... Creatures and this two week grazing period completely deradiates them but it would be wrong to say we are not living with the side effects of Chenobyl.
I ducked and covered. That'll save me, right?
Good. I live not too far from Slovenia... Help meeee!!!!!!!!!
Quote from 5haz :Not only that but the UK had its own Nuclear leak, Windscale remember.

Try googling 'dounreay' and 'leak' and see how many hits that gets you...
I would have thought THIS would be a valid technique, even if the intended application isn't quite the same.
im not convinced that it will be of much use in the ~30000°C evironment inside a nuclear fireball tristan
#23 - dev
Neews... the further they go, the larger they get... D'oh!
Quote from Shotglass :im not convinced that it will be of much use in the ~30000°C evironment inside a nuclear fireball tristan

Stop, Drop and Roll under a table then. How much protection does one really need. It'll be over quite quickly, so no need for long-term protection
There goes my post-nukular Fallout-style fantasy

Now, what the **** will I do with 1 ton of bean cans, 2 tons of iodine tablets, 2 tons of water and 500 litres of gasoline? And how do I explain to the land lord why I have covered all windows and doors with 4 tons of concrete?
