The online racing simulator
MecaniK S2 - v0.5P
(494 posts, closed, started )
Quote from INSANE86 :ok the thing is that in Cylinders settings if i change the number other than deflault is changes to 12 i cant backspace {erase} the number and put a new setting 3,4,5,6,7,8 cus i get that error.The files i used to run V.P05 are { comdlg32.ocx,msstdfmt.dll} LFS S2P exe & to install the mising files you need to send {msstdfmt.dll and comdlg32.ocx} in C:\WINDOWS\System32 folder and then in start , run type : regsvr32 C:\WINDOWS\System32\COMDLG32.OCX and the same for msstdfmt.dll , download and install LFS S2P exe & thats in this forum and V.P05 run's , well thats what i did to make it run , V.P05 is more stable and you do not get the Run-time error 13 type mismatch . hope im not asking for much just a copy of P05 Please

Ya, its understandeable. Give me a day to sort things out, ill repost the other versions in the first post.
Quote from INSANE86 :thanks for youre support

No, thanks for YOUR support ! hehe Thanks to ALL of you.
Is it possible to play on lan with mecanic. I played XR with well PASSAT TDI settings and my bro with Xantia settings. I hosted and when he join me he in one moment disconnect from a game, If there was a thread with this before please forgive me and just reply to my questioon
You both need the exact same settings, then it will work.
Galthar, for this to work, you both need the exact same mods. One
way to make this work is for you guys to use different cars. If you
can mod LFS to use one group of cars (cartype) to simulate one car
and mod another group to simulate the other, then you will be able to
play together with 'different' cars. It's kinda hard to explain, but that
way you'll both be able to use each others cars. There is no other way
with MecaniK.

With LFSTweak, you will be able to use, for example, the XR GT for one
car, and the XR GT Turbo for the other. Again, both MUST have the same
settings, so you'll both need to mod BOTH cars at same time for it to
work. This is where presets become usefull. Oh ya, LFSTweak is not done
yet, so you'll have to wait a bit.
Quote from INSANE86 :ok the thing is that in Cylinders settings if i change the number other than deflault is changes to 12 i cant backspace {erase} the number and put a new setting 3,4,5,6,7,8 cus i get that error.

Just select the numbers with the mouse and overwrite them. That works.

By the way, MecaniK really rocks. When I found out about it, I instantly thought of this guy who built a Yamaha FZR engine in a "Goggomobil". (here's a short video of it in action)
So I spent all day trying different "realistic" engines (well, of sorts since you can't change the design) in different cars...the XFG with a Formula-1 engine , for example, is a blast :revs:
wel i got 250mph out of the fzr, thats not write!
Quote from Galthar :Is there a possibility in future that devs uncrypt these encrypted cars?

what encrypted cars?
Quote from Jakg :what encrypted cars?

All of them except the demo cars.
Quote from Fonnybone :It's kinda hard to explain, but that
way you'll both be able to use each others cars. There is no other way
with MecaniK.

I understand it perfectly Fonnybone. we must have same settings.

So I ask differend could u tell me will it be possible in the future to race like I said before with differend settings? ( maybe it has something to do with this cars encryption).
Quote from Galthar :I understand it perfectly Fonnybone. we must have same settings.

So I ask differend could u tell me will it be possible in the future to race like I said before with differend settings? ( maybe it has something to do with this cars encryption).

its already possible with mechanik all youll have to do is mod 2 car classes instead of two cars ... load both mods on all clients and the server and everything should work the way you expect it to
Quote :(here's a short video of it in action)

Wrong link..this is the one I wanted to show...
Why can't I go faster than than 718? The car just resets!!
Attached images
It's an LFS feature. It kinda prevents your car from doing weird stuff that just shouldnt happen.
It's the 11th commandment, written by the devs: thou shalt not exceed 200m/s
How'd you do that anyway? The car I can go fastest with is the FXR, and I haven't gotten over 500 so far.
I'we gone a bit over 500, no 700 but still.
i use the fv8, 4wd, like 5000hp, and go up a bit on the gears(dunno the english word for "utväxling")
on the blackwood straight just floor it :P
I keep blowing my front tires up with the F08 and 4wd..
Would you like me to post the mecanik file and setup?

I wonder if LFS devs would consider making the 'reset speed' configurable so I can attempt to hit 1000km/h. There's quite a bit of straight left there.....
Quote from southamptonfc :Would you like me to post the mecanik file and setup?

I wonder if LFS devs would consider making the 'reset speed' configurable so I can attempt to hit 1000km/h. There's quite a bit of straight left there.....

That would be neat. Just need a disclaimer that says not to pay mind to any physics abnormalities above the set speed.

But with the correct setup, I notice that speed increases exponentially at an insane rate once you get up near the limit. If the limit were taken away I can't imagine how mind bogglingly fast you could go. Enticing!
it's just the fact that up near the speed of sound...aerodynamics get..let's just say(to keep it simple) almost impossible to model correctly
Here it is, you can do 718 at Blackwood and still make the corner

Just use 6th gear!
Attached files
crazy.spr - 252.7 KB - 382 views
FORMULA V8_nutter.set - 132 B - 373 views
ct4 file. Had to zip it because it was saying 'Invalid file'
Attached files - 202 B - 335 views
Quote from dave4002000 :it's just the fact that up near the speed of sound...aerodynamics get..let's just say(to keep it simple) almost impossible to model correctly

What hapens is that the air diverts from the object before hitting the object. We just don't know when or where the air actually diverts from the object! ... c#Supersonic_aerodynamics
Quote from wheel4hummer :What hapens is that the air diverts from the object before hitting the object. We just don't know when or where the air actually diverts from the object! ... c#Supersonic_aerodynamics

thanks wheel4hummer..that is the basic principle.....i used to be an avionics engineer for the Air Force
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MecaniK S2 - v0.5P
(494 posts, closed, started )