OK, lots of opinions, I will add mine if you don't mind
Concerning feel: definitely good, but nkPro and LFS are already very good and I did not expect anything less from iRacing. One thing to mention probably is the force feedback strength as it changes a lot from car to car. The possible settings are from -100 to 100 and I have it currently set to 15 (Red Momo). While in Pontiac you can feel "some" strength, that car has a power steering so it is definitelly a lot weaker at the same ff setting as eg in a Legends Car or Radical. Put the force feedback strength to 50 or higher and in the Radical the wheel _will_ take your fingers off

. But in the end, it is all you would expect from a great sim. At one point I was switching between LFS and iRacing, just to see where is the difference, and I have to say, if you are happy with LFS as is, then the price tag for iRacing is probably not worth it.
Graphics wise, I was not blown away. Yes, the tracks are nice and bumpy, but that has more to do with the level of physics simulation than what you see. I would say, it is probably slightly better than nk2k3, but IMHO has unreasonably high requirements for the hardware. LFS in my book looks better, but then again - how would you measure that

It is a personal opinion.
Configurability is pathetic in comparison with LFS. You are at this moment limited to basically exactly the same settings as in nk2k3, whether talking about display or controller settings. Eg. for the cockpit view, only FOV is adjustable, nothing else (as was already mentioned before in this thread).
There were a lot of negative comments about the online part of the iRacing. This is what appeals to me a lot. I like the scheduling of the races and the fact that whenever you race online, you score points, and all this adds to your possition in a particular race series. I never really had a time to commit myself seriously to a racing league, because all was then "prescheduled" which was sometimes a problem for me. With this system I can take the qualification and a race separately when I have the time to do it. Also, the incident system makes you think about what you do on the track, so from my experience, everybody on the track behaves with more responsibility.
Concerning pings, I usually had pings around 130ms to the server, but I never experienced lag or really bad warping during races. For me, this is a non issue.
Also, a LOT of things will be missing at the launch, and I know that this would discourage a lot of people, especially if all this "missing stuff" comes as a hefty price tag. To this, I really do not know what to say. One has to make the decision for himself/herself. The first release of LFS had also plenty of features missing and it did not stop all of us having plenty of fun.
Will I subscribe? Probably yes.