The online racing simulator
[BAD] Big Angle Drifters
(22 posts, started )
#1 - Bore
[BAD] Big Angle Drifters
I am posting to inform the drift community that the team [BAD] is back on the drift seen and are looking for new recruits!

As of yet we only have 4 members;

Wildbore/j0hn (me)

We are looking for people that are up for laugh and don't treat drift as a life or death situation. We're looking for people that can drift and want to improve and someone that isn't going to be a knob to put it simply.

We would also like for people that are joining to have an S2 Account as the team rarely go on demo now the xrt has gone.

Think you have these qualities?
Then apply on here.

LFS in game name:
LFS username :
Age :
Sex :
MSN Address :
A reason why you :
want to join

Need to ask any questions about the team please feel free to contact me.
If you would like to chat properly then my MSN is ""

I like the name

Are demoers allowed?
#3 - Bore
Quote from :I like the name

Are demoers allowed?

No sorry mate. We don't go on demo enough.
Soz again.

Ty for interest tho
This is a good team, remember drifting with BAD back when i was in PD, a good choice of team for someone
I'm Up, I've been drifting with SMOKEGOD for a while, I see him on n try "Smoke" Him :P

LFS in game name: EAGLE¹-²
LFS username: V3NOMOUS
Age : 16
Sex : Male
MSN Address :
A reason why you
want to join: I would like to join a decent team that will be commited to the LFS Drifting side of things, None of this 1 Day teams and they go offline for 10 years. I've Been drifting for some time now and I think I can be an asset to [BAD] if i get accepted

~Cheers EAGLE¹-²
#6 - Bore
Quote from Dominitry :This is a good team, remember drifting with BAD back when i was in PD, a good choice of team for someone

Thanks very much

Quote from V3NOMOUS :I'm Up, I've been drifting with SMOKEGOD for a while, I see him on n try "Smoke" Him :P

LFS in game name: EAGLE¹-²
LFS username: V3NOMOUS
Age : 16
Sex : Male
MSN Address :
A reason why you
want to join: I would like to join a decent team that will be commited to the LFS Drifting side of things, None of this 1 Day teams and they go offline for 10 years. I've Been drifting for some time now and I think I can be an asset to [BAD] if i get accepted

~Cheers EAGLE¹-²

Lol, no-one out smokes our smokegod boi! well. apart from anyone

I have added you on MSN and look forwards to seeing you drift. We will get in touch if we think you've got what it takes. I love your reason so great start!

Our activity at the moment is pretty good. Were on at least 2-4 times a week. Usually more. Can't see use going inactive for a while as the exams are done

Nice to see BAD back! And I'm surprised no one applied and wrote 'SEX: Yes!' yet...
LFS in game name:
LFS username : Scrabby
Age : 16
Sex : Wanting
MSN Address : ferrari36015 at hot mail .com
A reason why you
want to join:
Because i want to be in a nice driftteam were i can have fun but be competitive at the same time, and make friends ofcourse

And u probably mean: HybRid, not HybiRd

And if I have a good set, I can pull some nice drifts
#9 - Bore
Quote from Riders Motion :Nice to see BAD back! And I'm surprised no one applied and wrote 'SEX: Yes!' yet...

why does everyone want sex with me and god. its between me and him


and only had one app so far xD

ta rider <3
Damn why didnt I think of "Sex: Yes Please" Well I was with Smoke and the [DS] Boys, Plus I smoked smoke :P Altho him and I tried to block mason multiple times.

I play as often as you would like me to btw, I mainly play on shikane or team D1 since I'm aussie. But I'll talk to you over MSN Bore and show you how Aussies slide :P
Nice to see you guys are back on the drift scene :P
been along time since ive seen u guys but hope it all goes well for ya

Shhhh... i myt talk to McVapour and see how ur getting on
Bore, I also pm'ed you concerning the applying
Quote from V3NOMOUS :haha shutup you :P, Dont worry I'll block you soon, But how

You'd have to sh*t a miracle
#16 - TG44
Quote from Dominitry :You'd have to sh*t a miracle

I think i just forgot what the words "random" and "offtopic" meant...
LFS in game name: M3Ben
LFS username : theirishnoob
Age : 16
Sex : Yes.... Please.
MSN Address : If i honestly tohught you needed it you would have it by now.
A reason why you
want to join : you need members, and i can make decent drift set-ups so yeah im here if required.
Ah yes it's good to be back,

I'm Randy aka [BAD]HybriD
I'm a drifter both on track and keyboard. I know i know, kb drifting sucks, but if want to be wrong, i'm always up for kicking your ass. I drive an ae86 on track and prefer the xrg in lfs.

if any of you see an xrg on your rear bumper, it's probably me wanting to pass your slow turbo ass

see you on the track

LFS in game name: James #47
LFS username : GTJames
Age : 17
Sex : M
MSN Address :
A reason why you : broaden my drifting skills and join a good team.
want to join

Quote from RRC Bros :Ah yes it's good to be back,

I'm Randy aka [BAD]HybriD
I'm a drifter both on track and keyboard. I know i know, kb drifting sucks, but if want to be wrong, i'm always up for kicking your ass. I drive an ae86 on track and prefer the xrg in lfs.

if any of you see an xrg on your rear bumper, it's probably me wanting to pass your slow turbo ass

see you on the track


good to see atleast one dust collector drifter
Quote from RRC Bros :Ah yes it's good to be back,

I'm Randy aka [BAD]HybriD
I'm a drifter both on track and keyboard. I know i know, kb drifting sucks, but if want to be wrong, i'm always up for kicking your ass. I drive an ae86 on track and prefer the xrg in lfs.

if any of you see an xrg on your rear bumper, it's probably me wanting to pass your slow turbo ass

see you on the track


You see my Teal XRT racing up on your ass, You better move it or your little 'XRG' is dead meat :P, Hope to Drift with you soon Hybrid
dont forget my nuclear green mkII escort PD replica xrg/xrt.... bound for much... erm... Failure im sure.

[BAD] Big Angle Drifters
(22 posts, started )