Well... not long time ago, i made a request to importfantasy. But he is away for a while (i think he got a flue or something like that...). Soo im not gonna be a "pain in the ass" type of guy and rush him for make this scene, and gonna pass this request for another people. I hope ImportFantasy don't mind and get better from that flue. (i think is a flue lol)
I tried to render this scene, but my brazil plugin only send me "missing dll's" error. I try everything to fix this error, but no results...
Im gonna ask for anyone with that truck scene to render this scene for me. (if Bose321 render that scene for me i will be very happy, cause i wanna a that truck scene because him and that scene on a previous post

I don't remember who made that XFR scene with black rims.
Well, the template for the truck scene can be found here in this post:
And the request with the descriptions (with the XFR render with black rims for exemple) here in this post:
Soo, if anyone please can render my skin? :P