The online racing simulator
Thank you Scawen! I almost doubled my FPS and you listened to my comment about a spelling mistake. Seems like nothing but shows that you really care about making the best possible racing simulator ever.

You rock
Very nice! On a 19 player South City FBM MPR the average framerate has gone up considerably
Though the LOD levels now look quite different - the wheels very quickly change into a grey cylinder. Guess I'll up the LOD setting a bit...
[B]Y20:[/B] 2008-06-07 23:27:29 - LFS
Frames: 3284 - Time: 82859ms - Avg: 39.633 - Min: 28 - Max: 52

[B]Y21:[/B] 2008-06-07 23:24:47 - LFS
Frames: 3930 - Time: 82797ms - Avg: 47.465 - Min: 35 - Max: 60

E: 19 player AI race on BL1

[B]Y20:[/B] 2008-06-07 23:41:18 - LFS
Frames: 2812 - Time: 93922ms - Avg: 29.939 - Min: 19 - Max: 40

[B]Y21:[/B] 2008-06-07 23:38:53 - LFS
Frames: 3262 - Time: 94032ms - Avg: 34.690 - Min: 19 - Max: 47

Scawen, concerning the bug i found. in Y20 you didnt understand.
I sent a replay to JVL (Username above), SPR (Single Player not hotlap) and he was using standard P.Y, and I was using Y20, he couldnt see the Replay because he had OOS Error (No cheating), then he sent me his replay, and I got OOS error too.
Not sure why tough.
Should I attach the replays or it's worthless now Y21 is out?
AWESOME ! I love you . i have about + 40 fps
Amazing update, thanks alot! Keep up the good work!
Quote from chanoman315 :Scawen, concerning the bug i found. in Y20 you didnt understand.
I sent a replay to JVL (Username above), SPR (Single Player not hotlap) and he was using standard P.Y, and I was using Y20, he couldnt see the Replay because he had OOS Error (No cheating), then he sent me his replay, and I got OOS error too.
Not sure why tough.
Should I attach the replays or it's worthless now Y21 is out?

OK, one thing I was confused about in your first report is you mentioned "layout" and I wasn't sure if you mean the OOS happened if there was an autocross layout.

I'm surprised that an SPR is OOS - I have done thorough OOS checking in most patches - but only with hotlap replays. I think if the problem still exists (so Y21 can play your Y20 replay that goes OOS on Y) then it would be good to post them and I'll see if I can find out what is wrong. Maybe if you have a little time, you could do a simple test with your friend, try a few different things and swap replays, to see what are the conditions for it going OOS.

For example, if wind is disabled or enabled, if there are autocross objects, if ai cars must be in the race. What is the thing that has to be there to make a Y SPR go OOS in Y21?

There must be something about the single player race, different from hotlapping, that makes it go OOS compared with Y. If you could narrow it down a bit for me that would be great. Thanks!
Fantastic !
Well, i think he updated to Y21, because he couldnt play my replay.
But i have his replay, and mine i replaced with one in Y21.
In the time i try to contact him and see if he has the Y20 one, i will post it.
Here's his replay Standard Y
Attached files
layout.spr - 98.6 KB - 251 views
Quote from chanoman315 :Well, i think he updated to Y21, because he couldnt play my replay.
But i have his replay, and mine i replaced with one in Y21.
In the time i try to contact him and see if he has the Y20 one, i will post it.
Here's his replay Standard Y

Replay is OOs after ~2 sec here too. Nonmodifyed Y20
Ok, now that's just some great programming!
Thanks a lot, Scawen. Great work!

I did a quick test with a replay here:

On Y20, last car on the grid. I had 58fps.
Now on Y21, I've got 71fps.
While on the same first lap where once I had 69fps, now I'm above 85fps.

That's just fantastic!
#36 - wien
Beautiful work. With full AA/AF I'm now completely GPU limited at the back of a grid full of Formula BMWs with the physics paused (~85% load on one CPU core). In Y20 it was the other way around with GPU usage around 85% with the CPU pegged.

Same grid without AA/AF is CPU limited, but yields about 15 FPS more (~45 to ~60).
Well, I'm back, but nobody remembers me as evidenced by the amount of people that didn't even recognize my name online

First off, I'd like to say that after months of not even touching the dusty LFS install on my computer at all, I'm happy to see test patches already put into action and the devs working at it again.

In regards to Y21, I found that my FPS barely increased, if at all. I'm running a Pentium 4, 256MB RAM, and an ATi Radeon 9600 128MB and there hasn't been much improvement in frames. It's tolerable for now but I can't join any loaded grids or serious races without being forced to spec or leave.

I also found a small bug in relation to the horn. If the engine of the car is running, holding the horn button as long as you want will obviously make the horn run as long as you are holding the button. But when the engine is completely off (RPM at 0), holding the horn button down makes for a short few-second horn burst. After a few seconds, the horn stops and you have to release and push the horn button again for it to sound. Just a small bug.

Anyways, it's nice to be back to LFS. Been a looooong time

#38 - wien
Quote from Mithras :In regards to Y21, I found that my FPS barely increased, if at all.

That would be your graphics card holding you back. If you were GPU limited before you probably won't see any improvements in FPS. With a recent driver you may see a drop in CPU usage though.
I have less FPS in my old PC, the problems seems be due to the increased minimun graphics options, the lowest graphic settings are a lot higher that before or at least in my PC it is, LOD doen't seem to affect much now =/ for example in Y20 with minimum LOD tyre deformation wasn't drawn and now with the same settings it is.
great patch thanks a lot
im now getting twice the framerate at the back of a full grid of AI. went from 35-40fps up to 70-80fps. Long live the provider.
Quote from Mithras :In regards to Y21, I found that my FPS barely increased, if at all. I'm running a Pentium 4, 256MB RAM, and an ATi Radeon 9600 128MB and there hasn't been much improvement in frames. It's tolerable for now but I can't join any loaded grids or serious races without being forced to spec or leave.

im pretty sure that almost completely your rams fault
lfs usually will use more than half of your available ram... add the os and a few background processes to that and your computer will spend all its cycles paging
Just a question for Scawen:

Not to make you hurry up or anything (cause the more test patches there are the better), but is there a planned number of test patches before patch z comes out?

Or is there more like a point which you want to reach (some objective you want to achieve) before you do patch z?


Verry Nice
#44 - T.J.
Quote from dougie-lampkin :Sure.

Before AA/AF are on, after renaming cfg.txt and card_cfg.txt:

Antialiasing 0
Mip Filter 1

While AA/AF are on normally, after being enabled:

Antialiasing 6
Mip Filter 16

After turning them off, even though it's still visible in-game:

Antialiasing 0
Mip Filter 0

Which is really weird...In the ATI panel, under both DirectX and OpenGL, AA and AF are both set to application controlled. Yet after turning them both off in LFS, my FPS stays the same, and the cars are still anti-aliased

Also, as I edited in my second post, AA is 0 and AF is 1 on a clean install, yet I can still see AA on the cars...

Rename the LFS.exe and try.. Solved this problem in my case..
Is it me or the rims are looking like rims now? They seems to shine more than they were anytiem before. I dont know if that was accidental or not but anyway thanks for that.
Quote from Flame CZE :I have a problem. Sometimes when I press Shift+U, game will crash... but good work!

edit: this happens only if im pressing one of the pedals
edit2: oh so i am wrong... i dont know when this happens

edit3: looks like it doesnt happen anymore...

online shift+u doesn`t work since i patched on y21 --> game crashes onto desktop.

offline all is fine, no problems

edit: server is y0 and client y21
Thanks for another great patch. I notice at least a 10FPS improvement on my machine, and LFS is looking better than ever
Awesome update Scawen!
Quote from Flame CZE :I have a problem. Sometimes when I press Shift+U, game will crash... but good work!

edit: this happens only if im pressing one of the pedals
edit2: oh so i am wrong... i dont know when this happens

edit3: looks like it doesnt happen anymore...

I can replicate this. It's difficult because you need at least 12 AI's and your own car on track and you must be in the correct view and focused on the correct car.

I used single player mode, 12 AI's and myself. I was at rear of grid and pressed Shift-U - crashed. (crashed on SO1 and AS5R, it might also crash on others to but not tested.)
And it only seemed to crash when in chase view, heli view or TV view! See, really hard to replicate?
If you pause first then press Shift-U it will not crash, but will sometimes will crash when you unpause. I cannot figure out the conditions for the unpause to crash it.

Crash report

Also crashes in the SPR with same config, but I must be focused on my own car. (in 13th place) crash SP.spr
Press shift-U on the last car (mine) in the start grid. Must be in Chase, Heli or TV view.

Tried with my car further up the grid, it would only crash when focused on car last in the grid.

I tried with more AI's (18) and my own car in last position and it doesn't seem to crash. Then tried my car in 13th place - crash. Seemed it would crash when focused on the 13th car and pressing Shift-U. Must be in TV, Heli, Chase view.

Person settings info:
Managed to crash in both windowed and full screen modes. It crashed regardless if I used Application Managed full AA/AF or forced AA/AF from ATI driver profiler.

PentiumD 3.0 GHz, 1GB RAM, (AGP) x1950 pro ATI, WinXP SP2

Hope this helps. Nice work on the patch.

Edit: I noticed it didn't crash on the AS5 normal direction. So I did some tests:
Clear Day OR Cloudy
AS1- Crash
AS1R No Crash

AS2- No Crash
AS2R Crash

AS3- No Crash
AS3R Crash

AS4- No Crash
AS4R Crash

AS5- No Crash
AS5R Crash

AS6- No Crash
AS6R Crash

AS7- Crash
AS7R No Crash
It appears to occur on Aston when the car is facing south on the map on the start grid.
Attached images
error SP.JPG
Attached files
crash SP.spr - 143.2 KB - 215 views
#50 - SamH
Quote from Shotglass :im pretty sure that almost completely your rams fault
lfs usually will use more than half of your available ram... add the os and a few background processes to that and your computer will spend all its cycles paging

I would totally agree with this assessment, Mithras. 256MB of RAM is going to be very problematic for anything these days, and it's a needless limitation. RAM these days is very cheap. You could probably get some decent matched RAM for a very few $, and you'll be astounded at the performance difference of your PC, whether you're running Win98 or XP.

I only have 1GB in an AMD64 3000+ on XP, but I'm pretty keen on keeping background processes down to a minimum and I have a 6800GT. In South City, where I suffered my worst framerates, I've seen my FPS almost double tonight, with Y21, in the traditionally worse parts of the track (back of the grid, where I always am, on the pit straight). This test patch is like Christmas to me! ty Scawen
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Test Patch Y22 : Faster and Smoother
(381 posts, closed, started )