The online racing simulator
Direction of Track on Track map
Well heres a small one worth 10 minutes of time. On the setup screen where you can preview the track I think a small arrow at the start finish line showing the direction of the track would be a very easy thing to add, and very helpful for knowing the direction of the track - and its starting point, without starting a race and ending it to go back into the screen. Nothing big I know, but thought I would throw it out there.
There is an arrow showing the direction when you're in the selection screen, but yeah, it'd be nice to have it in the screen where you join the race too.
What about an arrow that comes on screen when you leave the pits or (possibly) spin out?
Quote from NotAnIllusion :There is an arrow showing the direction when you're in the selection screen, but yeah, it'd be nice to have it in the screen where you join the race too.

I didn't see any arrows when your on the selection screen showing you the start/finish line and direction that the track goes...

Quote from duke_toaster :What about an arrow that comes on screen when you leave the pits or (possibly) spin out?

I *guess* but that ones not terribly hard to figure that out. I am just talking about the track selection screen when typing in /track fe2r it won't tell me the direction of the track.
The one I mean is circled in red.
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Yea, but as an admin of the server I don't see that screen and need to type the commands... (Unless I will learn something new today, but in either case that small arrow could be placed on the other view too).
I'm confused now. Dedi - no graphics, so you obviously don't see any arrows. Client as server - when you End Race you get the same selection screen, where you can see the arrow. The people who can't see the arrow are specifically non admins because they never get to see the selection screen, only the preview (join) screen, where the arrow would be handy.
Quote from NotAnIllusion :I'm confused now. Dedi - no graphics, so you obviously don't see any arrows. Client as server - when you End Race you get the same selection screen, where you can see the arrow. The people who can't see the arrow are specifically non admins because they never get to see the selection screen, only the preview (join) screen, where the arrow would be handy.

How do you get to the selection screen in the client as an admin? Cause I never see that screen, either way its a tiny improvement for the other users on the setup screen as well, not only the admins. But if I can learn how to get to that screen more power to me. As it is now I know that screen will exist if the server is allowing guests to change track, but if they are not allowed to change track than even myself as an admin can't get to the selection screen. IDK maybe I am doing something wrong.
If you use the client as the server, there's two things that can happen:
- you select 'Dedicated Host' while setting up: you can type '/end' to end the race and get back to the preview and selection screen.
- you don't select the dedi host option: you can end the race at any time with the Esc menu, or typing '/end'.
Well our team has the dedicated servers, and I connect using the client but I don't run the actual server. So for me as an admin to change the track I need to guess the direction of the track unless the servers are setup to allow guests to select tracks... If that explains it better.
Ah yes, you mean that there is no arrow or track select screen when logged in remotely as admin. Yeah I see what you mean. Either or both would be nice
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Yea that screen would be the place that I am suggesting add the arrow to the start finish in the direction of the track. Like I stated in the first post, its not a huge deal, wouldn't take too much time but it would help out ever so slightly rather then starting and ending the race to figure out the direction...
when you type the command to change the track the reverse direction is indicated by an 'R', I think.

Example: SO1, SO1R.

Then again, if you don't already know the direction of the non-reverse track, the 'R' will not help. .
Quote from legoflamb :......Then again, if you don't already know the direction of the non-reverse track, the 'R' will not help. .

Nail on head moment ^_^

@blackbird04217: I had same issue with car names for the first week of S2. I had a picture of all cars on my desktop to remind me when I needed to look them up.

Maybe until this is implemented in LFS, have a picture of each track all on one sheet on your desktop, screenshot/crop each one and stitch them into one big picture. Refer to that when choosing a config.

I'm not saying -1, just offering something in the meantime.
Here is a simple fast fix so you don't have to leave LFS to look at pictures.

unzip and save this script to /lfs/data/scripts/

Then when selecting a track run the script in the chat box....

/run cw will work, but it's faster to just type //cw
cw stands for ClockWise

This will list all the ClockWise tracks in their normal direction. Then you can look at the current track on screen and decide if you need to swap to the "R" version.
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Quote from JasonJ :Nail on head moment ^_^

maybe that'll clarify any misunderstandings.