The online racing simulator
Nice! But it doesn't have headlights
Quote from C4R K1NG :i was watching the fast and the furious tokyo drift the other day and i realised that no one has made han's slivia for the XRT so i did it . one problem is that the start of rays isa bit cut off on the bonnet but apart from that it all fits, let me know wot u think! ENJOY!

Thats where you are wrong a fair few people have made it.
Which you didn't make
Quote from teaz-R :Which you didn't make

LAWL!!, another person saying they made a skin they didn't make.
There seems to be more people doing this, it's really annoying, even if they aren't mine.
Bored of having your skins stolen? Make crap skins!
what a retard (kukaraca), leaving the origonal author's name on it too.
but i still didnt knowed this skin, and i have to say I LOVE IT ^^
well to be fair he said he had it not that he made it. He might just be saying "look what I found!"
a skin whit bmw e30 fot xrt ?

Private skin for the Ebisu Drift Club

Still a wip

kick ass!
Quote from FCS13 :

Private skin for the Ebisu Drift Club

Still a wip

**** me dude ! This skin is awsome !
my new private skin
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My private XRG skin!
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Skin is made by Maxim a.k.a. maxiim and render is made by Max C. a.k.a. Race king. So there is nothing I did.
Ive been making skins again, and this is for those of you who love Subway It comes in two versions, the first was original by me, the second one had a helping hand from Eclipes.
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nice but i like the green/yellow one more doesnt look so empty
Quote from AstroBoy : ...skins...

Nice skins, Yum! Makes me hungry!

And here it is Milka drift skin:
Nothing special, but nice carbon fibre/fiberglass effect on roof.
Too bad it can only be seen very close...
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Quote from Rubenz81 :Nice skins, Yum! Makes me hungry!

And here it is Milka drift skin:
Nothing special, but nice carbon fibre/fiberglass effect on roof.
Too bad it can only be seen very close...

nice skin , but how did you make the carbon fibre/fiberglass effect you have on the roof ? :P
Does this post count as spam?
Spam skin, enjoy!

gatebil94 - Thanks! I made it with airbrush and lots of experiments... But basically airbrush with a "web" pattern, and more "light" color than background. (like grey on black).
Still experimenting...
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XR Skins (All)
(7350 posts, started )