The online racing simulator
©®© demo server
(62 posts, started )
I think making the server private would stop too many people from using it, they either would never see it or just wouldn't bother to join the CRC. Keeping it public would give the maximum amount of people a chance to use it. But I do like the idea of giving the admin password out to all members, that would work really well.

I was on the server last night for a few hours and it was great racing, just like the old demo. And oOOOo what times are you going in, you seem to be missing the good racing and clashing with the muppets all the time.

I think the CRC demo server has been great and I've probably raced more there than S2 servers in the past few weeks, hence me getting into the 1:32's, which is nice. And it's not really about getting more people to join the CRC it's more about trying to give people a good experience of LFS.
I'm not having a rant about this, I too want the crc demo server to work, this is why I posted in the first place. The point I am trying to put across is that the pitlane thingy is a pain in the ass. I can handle the wreckers in other servers but the pitlane thing is being exploited and is a beacon to wreckers.

Try going in the server undercover when no admin is on and see what happens.

First lap, made it round the corner, through the chicaine and clear into 2nd place, the 1st place racer is on the left hand grass and rejoins the track and bashes into me, not hard or out of malice.....BINGO!!! I'm in the pits, 1st place racer is still out there, my race is over.

Draughting someone down the straight, they slam on the brakes, I'm in the pits.

First corner, get shunted from behind and hit someone, I'm in the pits.

Lose it anywhere, hit the barrier, I'm in the pits.

Wrecker waiting on the inside of a corner behind the tyres, drives onto the track when I apex, I'm in the pits.

I'm having a week off work and returned to LFS after a break so my driving is very rusty and laptimes are 1:34-35 with the occasional dip into the 1:33s. The crc and ccuk servers have racers with similar laptimes so it makes for some good racing but any door handling into corners causes instant pitlane.

I am a curtious racer and was attracted to the crc server for some civility and I admire your efforts, I am simply trying to let you know that as a user, the pitlane thing causes more problems that it solves and is driving the good but clumsy racers away. Please take into consideration what filur, NotAnIllusion, B2B@300, Bluestream, Christofire and I have said in this thread.
I don't know this 'anti-wrecker app' but it sounds bloomin' awful...
#29 - robt
Quote : Try going in the server undercover when no admin is on and see what happens.

I do and its always fine.
yes the pitlane thing has problems, but i kind of know what these are.
Think of it this way, if nobody reaserches and tests it, how will it get developed?

but as we say when we are in server, if there is trouble go to and tell us so in the shoutbox or in a post on the forum, and we will sort it out.
Quote from tristancliffe :I don't know this 'anti-wrecker app' but it sounds bloomin' awful...

It simply looks at how much the angle/heading of your car is changing during a set amount of time / cycles, and think's you've
crashed/wrecked if a threshold is reached (mkinnov8 talks of tweaking, threshold is the tweakable part).

Thing is, wrecking can happen without spins, spins can happen without wrecking, there's no way ever to find a good threshold.
I've been wrecked and spun a thousand times in demo and when i wanted to go to pits i pressed my go-to-pits button, most
times you're perfectly able to rejoin a race, safely even.

Shouldn't a CRC server promote (new?) racers to learn things, for example, re-joining a race safely?
There just isn't any way of detecting "wreckage", there's no way of even in the most obvious crashes to by using insim telling
who's to blame, and this system is excellent for sending innocent racers to the pits, probably getting their race ruined even
more then just being off track a bit / spun whatever.

Someone should comment my fine idea about temporary password'ing

Quote from robt :Think of it this way, if nobody reaserches and tests it, how will it get developed?

If you read the insim documentation and think about what kind of information you can actually retrieve from lfs, it's
really not very hard to realize this thing will not work.
Quote from o000o :
Draughting someone down the straight, they slam on the brakes, I'm in the pits.

First corner, get shunted from behind and hit someone, I'm in the pits.

Lose it anywhere, hit the barrier, I'm in the pits.

Wrecker waiting on the inside of a corner behind the tyres, drives onto the track when I apex, I'm in the pits.

.....good racing but any door handling into corners causes instant pitlane.

Dude I understand your frustration and we are listening I promise but all those things would have meant you'd probably have to pit anyway and a wrecker took you out as well!

You have to get hit pretty hard for it to trigger and to say any door handling causes it to pit you is a massive over statement, I raced last night and didn’t have a problem and I’ve seen people do 360’s and be ok.

But I know it does tend to pit the victim and not the problem causer. But it’s being tweaked and if in the end it really doesn’t work then it will be binned, but just give it some time please and see how it goes.

Let us know when your around racing and we’ll join you to prove it’s not all bad.

Quote from filur :
Someone should comment my fine idea about temporary password'ing

The server really is admined a lot so it might not be too bad, but I just don't like the idea of passwording it.
Just left the server after many good races, some without admin there, the pitlane thing seems to have been toned down a lot, I only knew it was there when the odd racer got pitlaned.

It was fun, thx for listening.
Just to let you know, the LFS Lapper InSim Application has been turned off for the moment, When its back on It will not have the "Pitlane" code turned on, so it will simply display PB's to drivers on the track.

I feel the way and circumstances in which it was switched off are wrong and that the application wasnt given a fair amount of time to be tried on the CRC server.

I have seen it working fine of other servers.

For the record, I wasnt Not listening earlier, I have some knowledge in the area and perhaps a little trust that I might have actually known what I was doing.

Thank you all for the OPINIONS expressed here.
Ok, you win, I'll go and race somewhere else and not bother your server again. I cannot see your logic at all over not allowing kicking or banning votes when there is no admin about and I can't be arsed to leave the game and go to your website everytime some retard starts wrecking.
Odd how last night was the only time I went in using the o000o name and admin arrived and kicked anyone messing about, but going undercover I never saw admin at all, ever. Maybe I am unlucky.

This afternoon (4-6pm), here are the last four replays:

mpr1 is obvious
mpr2 nicivsvi on his lap 3 takes out the leader
mpr3 nicivsvi all the time
mpr4 nicivsvi is joined by mark in their wrecking spree

Just watch as the good racers join then leave due to your non kick/ban policy and the once good reputation of the crc is trashed.

Attached files
crc1.mpr - 801.7 KB - 172 views
crc2.mpr - 576.6 KB - 141 views
crc3.mpr - 790 KB - 157 views
crc4.mpr - 963.7 KB - 156 views
Excuse me?

My reply was to inform everyone that YOU had won and the LFS Lapper Add On was removed. If it was to be restarted again the part that sends people to the pits would be removed.

I didnt win anything, nor did I come here to win, nor can I be on the server, nor should I be expected to all the time.

For your interest, there is CURRENTLY a poll ongoing on the CRC Website, to decide on a plan of action for allowing voting on the server. There was NO NEED for that previous post.

As a server admin in a different game, please let me pass my thoughts on to you.

Your posts in this thread haven't come across as open and receptive. You seem to be very sure in the course you/CRC is taking, and are dismissive of any ideas that the contributors have offered. For the vast majority, the posts in this thread have offered constructive criticsm.

The problem in admining any game server is to keep the playing field as level as possible, and the atmosphere true to the spirit of the game. For my admin work there is also a voting system. The way we work it is that any team member can immediately vote off a rogue player, and we ask anyone that joins not to vote while there are team members present. When there is no-one to control the game, the players police themselves.

In any other demo server I've played on, the voting system is abused less often than wreckers cause a server to empty. As much as I appreciate your efforts to run a clean server, I will be using other server as I will not play on a server where I cannot do anything about a wrecker.

I have to either wait for the wrecker to get bored and leave, go and find another server, or quit out, start a web browser, find your website, report the problem and wait for someone to show up. I wouldn't expect you to get a lot of demo players to do that, and as much as you may have your website displayed in the server, I don't know what the address is.

We are trying to help, but we cannot help if you will not listen. If you cannot take constructive criticsm then I would recommend you don't bother with a demo server at all.
#38 - SamH
WTF? illepall

CRC have listened and acted accordingly. The add-on is gone. What's with the ongoing criticism??

o000o and Christofire, listen for goodness' sake. It's done. Finished. Kaput. THE ADD-ON IS GONE.

As for not listening to constructive criticism, if you'd kindly read this thread to its conclusion, you will see plainly that there's absolutely no basis for levelling that complaint.
I'm not complaining about anything, I was only trying to help by giving you a viewpoint from a normal demo player (the target audience for your demo server?) who understands the pressures of being a server admin, and the difficulty of balancing the enforcement of rules and general fun.

I'll again echo a sentiment put in most of the criticsising posts - I'm grateful for you guys putting the server up, and your efforts to promote clean racing. I was only trying to help. Criticism isn't a bad thing - if people didn't tell you what they thought was wrong then it wouldn't give you a chance to make your server better, and it would not be popular. I will leave this topic to yourselves from now on.

Oh, and if you'd read my post fully you'd see that I was talking about the lack of voting. illepall
Quote from Christofire :
...Oh, and if you'd read my post fully you'd see that I was talking about the lack of voting. illepall

And if you'd read Stoney's (mkinnov8) post fully you'd have seen that he had instigated a poll on the CRC website.

Not only is he listening to constructive criticism, he's also soliciting the community's opinion of what to do about it.

yeah, a vote is whats needed to find out if what people are saying is the right thing top do. *rolls eyes*

Nice try Christofire but consider yourself scolded. I didn't expect aggression when I started this, but now I'm chuckling as it feels like I'm in an episode of Faulty towers.

Quote from Christofire :
Oh, and if you'd read my post fully you'd see that I was talking about the lack of voting.

Me too in post #35, for some odd reason any talk of this is met by "we removed the pitlane thing already, go away".

I've moved on and don't care, I'm only posting this for my own amusement.
Aggression? Good grief! Where did you get that from?

What's wrong with polling people's opinion? Some in this thread suggested passwording the server, some (including yourself) advocate implementing voting. Only a few people posted in this thread - a poll will elicit a wider view.

Is it because your option wasn't instantly accepted you go all sarcastic?

Now it's my turn to roll my eyes!

Thank you guys for the Support, to say we havent listened is er well...

You can now vote to kick and ban on the server when there is no admin.
The "Pit Mod" no longer sends people to the pits.

We are polling our community on the next course of action.

Are you angry because it wasnt done in the first place, or because we didnt just fall over, either way, there server is there to be used, its still admined almost around the clock and lastly, bring your ideas to the CRC Website, let the others comment too.

Cya on the track! (in the CRC Server or not)
#44 - IDUI
My appologies if this has been already stated, as I don't have time to read the entire thread. The Fusion server has one thing unique to other demo servers: no joining during race. This could potentially be boring the wreckers. On the other hand it coud simply be that the server is so popular it's hard to connect and so the wreckers don't find their way in that often. Still the no join during race could be contibuting to curbing wrecking behavior.

Its not unique, but its not a well used feature, I must say Fusion is getting a lot of good stuff written about it, I can never get in there!.

No Midrace Join is the next thing we are looking at

Thanks for the suggestion.
I visited this server for the first time on Saturday. There were no admins there but the racing wasn't too much worse than S2 servers. No deliberate wrecking going on.

On one occasion a car was left on the racing line after an accident. When I came round for another lap and he was still there I stopped and pushed him onto the side of the track, started a vote and he was banned. No problem there.

Didn't notice the anti-wrecker insim app. No problems with that either from my poiint-of-view. Didn't even know it was there.

Also, you have to remember some people on demo don't know what buttons to press to pit and stuff. I was specatating when I saw a guy stranded on the straight. I asked him to move off the racing line and he did. I could see his car was broken and he was trying to move so I sent him a message saying 'SHIFT-S'. He pitted straight away. Clearly he was new to the game and was experimenting but nothing deliberate I don't think. I was very sad to see him get banned a coupe of races later. Didn't see what happened but I doubt he would have deserved a ban.

All in all I had a fun time in there. Well done CRC!
Quote :I was very sad to see him get banned a coupe of races later. Didn't see what happened but I doubt he would have deserved a ban.

Which is why I was relunctant to allow voting for kick and ban functions when an admin is not there, also, newer demo races dont understand what a vote is or what it does. Two admins and Myself witnessed this last night.

Yep the "wreaker mod" has been off for a while
your all stupid heads, and im gonna ban everyone!!!

j/k....tbh, my personal view is that if your fed up of wreckers, then save up and buy s2.
ive tried the demo server, but there are s2 servers with the demo setup on it, so i aint too bothered with it.

my opinion, if ya dont like it, then poo too, oh, and dont get a creative zen touch mp3 player...pieces of crap.
#49 - SamH
Quote from v4forlife :my opinion, if ya dont like it, then poo too, oh, and dont get a creative zen touch mp3 player...pieces of crap.

I think many of us feel a strong desire to assume the role of ambassador for LFS. We want people to like it, like we do. This is why the Demo servers are things we want to be right. They're our best means to attract new S2ers, and assure good racing for the future.

Thanks for the heads-up about the creative zen.
Yeah, I'm not going to buy anything from creative anymore. Crap mp3 players

©®© demo server
(62 posts, started )