The online racing simulator
Great pics Asmo!
(Dj-Aeri) DELETED by Dj-Aeri
nice poster
Haha, defused font is great pdanev isnt it?

nice job on both of them
Yep, defused one it is.

I have a few similar ones, previous poster was done with "Boycott" iirc.
Nice poster
Didn't knew you could make posters also.....(hint hint )
looks like wallpaper
it took me 10 min... i'm not so expert doing edited pics
sorry wasnt critisizing... just remind me of the textured wallpaper you can get... as for being a newbie to pic editing.. well we all have to start somewhere

good effort tho...

These are my first tests to make a rain shot and reflecting road. These pics are far from good but it's atleast something to start out with, please mind that white haze above the car on the rainbow pic, rainbow used to be smaller and i forgot to size the haze, i noticed that mistake when i uploaded it.

edit: added somewhat fixed version of the last shot, this time without that rainbow, i have to work on that.

Btw it was the 1st time i ever got into layers, u can see my previous works, few pages back.
Attached images
In the rain.jpg
Going Racing.jpg
nice attempt of rain.... works quite nicely and reminds me of grand prix 4 ... but must say the rainbow doesnt go with the image... id remove it if i were u or get some descent looking rainbow

Those 2 pics would be MUCH better without the rainbow.
Attached images
incar rain.jpg
Nice one Vale46.

Would be even better if you darkened the sky a bit imo, but still, good work!
ooo quite nice..... man that pic reminds me of a road we have here with a railway bridge over the top... thought it was in Portsmouth for a sec then
like the water streaming on the windows effect....

Attached images
rain pits.jpg
Quote from VALE 46 :......

I see alot more rain on the bottom over the car and the asphalt and I hardly see any rain above that. That looks weird. Apart from that, good stuff.
I think its ok that way, because normally if you look up directly into the sky you can't see rain, or you hardly see it.
(Vain) DELETED by Vain
I've noticed a few things when it rains

1) You can see the rain, but only really on a dark background. If you look up at the sky its normally too light to see it, or you can only faintly see it

2) You can always see it hitting the floor, even if you cant see it coming down you know how hard it is if you look at the floor (although i havent worked out how to do this properly in photoshop yet)
The windows from the pitlane house look aweful (top center of the pic)

Edited pics
(14106 posts, started )