The online racing simulator
Quote from KiDCoDEa :what goes on inside triplehead is not a simple matter of bridging between A and C or B and C, you are comparing apples to bananas.

My point was that working with analog signal is not a good thing, and is going to affect the image quality. No need to try to start a debate about it, wait until the device is available and we'll see.

Quote :signal processing is not a simple matter, if it was nvdia and ati would have reached matrox quality output long ago on analog signal.

Neither nvidia or ati make the cards themselves so it is propably mostly up to the card manufacturers. Though there propably are some minimum requirements on the quality of the components on the card, at least they used to vary from cheap junk to ok in older cards but all seem ok now. And for the card manufacturers it propably isn't a question of being able to do it, but if it is worth it to put in expensive components that will be useful for only a minority of their user base (for "average" consumer cards).
Quote from Kegetys :No need to try to start a debate about it, wait until the device is available and we'll see.

i could say the exact same to you , couldnt i?
i didnt start the "omg its analog, the signal will get less quality"

Quote from Kegetys :
Neither nvidia or ati make the cards themselves so it is propably mostly up to the card manufacturers.

excuse me? 2 words "reference card"
Quote from KiDCoDEa :at least i didnt start the "omg its analog, the signal will prolly suck"

I haven't said such things.

Quote :excuse me? 2 words "reference card"

Reference cards are designed by nvidia/ati, yes, but its up to the card manufacturers to choose a) if they use the reference design at all and b) if they use the same components in it.
Quote from Rob76 :KiDCoDEa,

Is VGA or DVI better for smooth gameplay, where smoothness at the expense of picture clarity may be preferable?

hmm lets see... if u ever played a consistent frame per sec game synced to monitor refresh/update u know that is smooth. at consisten 60fps the prefered choice is lcd (anything under 16ms should be fine). but then, very few pcs have the horse power to pump consisntent sync on 60fps. and the ones that do, rarely is a game and/or system, as optimized as a console enviroment. so in the end, you might have a pc with wasted horsepower. meaning less eficient for the bucks u pay for it. dvi only allows max 60fps framerate.
dvi has better image quality , visible for example in a totally black page. it has no noise whatsoever. flawless. same lcd via vga cable gets visible noise.
so if u want high fps visible (for example i can do 150hz or 200hz on my monitor at certain res) nothing beats a vga crt for fluidness.
if your aim is 60fps (which is surely enuff for most games) then a dvi lcd is nice.
i have both, which is the optimal solution
Quote from Kegetys :Reference cards are designed by nvidia/ati, yes, but its up to the card manufacturers to choose a) if they use the reference design at all and b) if they use the same components in it.

to which the answer a) and b) is big majority of times, YES.
and its not just components quality, its how they are used.
just the fact u have a final dac box outside a gigantic box of interferences patterns is already beneficial. if it identifies patterned noise signals then it can filter. there is much enhancement that can be done. no magic will occur, only work and love for quality. indeed in nv and ati wanted i believe they would also reach matrox signal quality, thing is, they never did, and thats the target for this product.
Quote from KiDCoDEa :to which the answer a) and b) is big majority of times, YES.

Actually I think its more like A) Yes, quite often and B) no, almost never.

Quote :no magic will occur, only work and love for quality. indeed in nv and ati wanted i believe they would also reach matrox signal quality, thing is, they never did, and thats the target for this product.

Do you mean the target of triplehead2go? I thought it is targeted to people who already have fast cards from other manufacturers and want to have triple monitor gaming. That is people who already have these cards that output no-so-good analog signal, there is no way triplehead2go could (truly) improve the signal, only make it worse. The question is how much. Because of that it would also make sense to make a version with DVI input and high quality analog outputs, so 'gaming card' owners would get high quality analog vga video out of it at the same time too.
does anybody know how much delay th2g will cause ?
Hm when you look at the latest cards, you can be happy if you dont see the default cooler. I dont know any recent nvidia/ati card that doesnt use the default architecture, except for those dual asus cards maybe.
nvidia even makes complete cards, the manufacturers can only chose which colors the pcb shall have
Quote from Kegetys :Actually I think its more like A) Yes, quite often and B) no, almost never.

yes you think. u also think that "Neither nvidia or ati make the cards themselves so it is propably mostly up to the card manufacturers."

thinking is good. but knowing the facts is better. please stop spreading useless erroneous info in a thread about a specific product which has little to do with oem cards from nvidia or ati which you obviously never saw, since they "dont even make them".
Quote from KiDCoDEa :thinking is good. but knowing the facts is better.

Yup, but talking like you think you know the facts when you dont is worse

Quote from KiDCoDEa :please stop spreading useless erroneous info in a thread about a specific product which has little to do with oem cards from nvidia or ati which you obviously never saw, since they "dont even make them".

What useless errorenous info have I spread? And it was you who started talking about nvidia and ati.
Quote from Kegetys :Yup, but talking like you think you know the facts when you dont is worse

are u trolling?
i've had enuff of this crap.
once we post anything worthwhile here come the xperts.
what facts am i "thinking i know" mr perfect?
which ones?
the ones i have contradicted your opinions with? sad isnt it? getting owned? we dont know everything, but very few of us when corrected get back trolling and acusing others of talking bull.
if u cant distinguish between opinons and facts then go upgrade your interpretation skills somewhere else.
im not your ideal partner for that.
Quote from KiDCoDEa :i've had enuff of this crap.

Good. Why couldn't you have stopped there then instead of having to resort to name calling?
When all is said and done, I hope sales of the triplehead2go will be good enough that ATI and Nvidia recognize that triple head cards have a market and decide to just build a GPU with 3 outputs.

Truly, having fast 3D cards with dual head make almost no sense to me. I use dual head for work all the time. It's really good for programming. But i never use it for gaming. Always just use a single head because almost all games will have the focus of the action in the center, where with dual head you just get a big bar. We'll see what develops.
Quote from KiDCoDEa :
so if u want high fps visible (for example i can do 150hz or 200hz on my monitor at certain res) nothing beats a vga crt for fluidness.
if your aim is 60fps (which is surely enuff for most games) then a dvi lcd is nice.
i have both, which is the optimal solution

Thanks. I think I'll stick with DVI with my LCD - the picture quality is far better at non-native resolutions. The VGA input seems to handle frame rates higher than 60 (when not VSYNCed) better than under DVI. Also strangely, it offers a few resolution options in windows in VGA mode that DVI doesn't, but many look awful. The scaling of non-native resolutions is handled better with the DVI input.

Do you know if there's a resolution (or number of pixels) where DVI chokes compared to VGA? I guess I'm not getting why a DVI triplehead would be a problem if driving digital LCDs...
Quote from Rob76 :I guess I'm not getting why a DVI triplehead would be a problem if driving digital LCDs...

Well I would guess that there current one is post-processing an analog signal, where a "DVI triplehead" would have to work with and process a digital signal. This would be a totally different disgin and electironic package (and most likely more expensive) Historicaly digital signal processing lags behind analog signal processing in its development cycle, so its just probably a matter of time, which probably would be proportional to the demand for the TripleHead2Go
Pfff triple monitor gaming..... how about quattuorviguple monitor gaming

It's for Quake 3 though....
i play on a lap top on a kitchen there
Quote from B2B@300 :... This would be a totally different disgin and electironic package (and most likely more expensive) Historicaly digital signal processing lags behind analog signal processing in its development cycle, so its just probably a matter of time, which probably would be proportional to the demand for the TripleHead2Go

Indeed designing an input interface for DVI, that can handle all those high resolution modes, is quite some tricky and costly as the frequencies involved go beyond 1 GHz. I'm not sure, but I think Matrox don't have one yet in any of their products and I doubt it would be profitable to design one just for this little non-mass market, low-cost box... so I don't expect a DVI version, at least not from Matrox, but let's see, maybe I'm wrong.
so how do you set up triple monitors?
my card supports three- (9800 ati 256k)
but physically
do they cable into one another, or all into the tower?
i have not looked into this but i think i want to now
I think you're mistaken, GT Touring. The 9800 only supports 2 monitors. The only card at the moment that supports more than 2 monitors without the aid of the previously aforementioned device is the Matrox Parhelia (with the exception of the older Matrox cards which I seem to recall could support 4 monitors, and also perhaps any super expensive workstation cards from the likes of 3DLabs).
oh yes i looked up the card tweaker in my PC and found only a two set up
however it seems three can be hoooked up or more as long as the resolution is set porperly and the option to extend the desktop across the field is selected.
I am not about to buy two extra monitors to find out though
Quote from three_jump :Has anyone some expirience with this?

this is what this thread was originally about 3j

Matrox TripleHead2Go will be available for purchase at the end of April 2006. So i don't think someone here tested it till today

reading the first pages of a thread is so .... boring
Always reading only the last post
aha...just a stoopid question in between: is it possible 2 set them (2)screens, so one is the "view of driver" and the other is "view of co driver"?
(no space here for 3rd monitor, no phys.and no 3rd port on gfxcard)...didint find "2048*768" resolution 2 choose somewhere... ?!?!:noob: in multiscreening