The online racing simulator
LFSTweakS2 Lite (Old release for LFS v0.5Q)
Ok, so here it is folks. This is still a 'beta' for me, but it's playable and
most bugs seem fixed now. I'm sure some will pop-up, but then again,
they always do. Have fun and read the ReadMe, PLEASE ! hehe

LFSTweakS2 BetaA, edits any of the 3 demo cars to virtually unlimited
specifications. Save presets to share with friends and to use online.

I've provided 2 crappy presets i made to test, they might be usefull for beginners.
Attached files
LFSTweakS2 05Q - 42.9 KB - 80702 views
it says it cant find the car
will the full version work for all cars?
thx btw
Hurrayyyy!!! Works fine with me!!!Thank you!!
Wooooooooooooo! :woohoo: Finally! Thx FünnyBone
#6 - Jakg
im gonna need to try this!
it says unsupported car ... maybe wrong LFS version??

EDIT: sry i dont read the first post... im stupid
You need patch Q...there is only one so that should be easy...
By the way, can some of the testers post the presets and the setups they have already done? I'm real bad at matching setups and presets
Guys, please read the first post saying to please read the ReadMe.
I've answered this in the Troubleshooting part under 'No Display'
AND mention it in the post....

LFSTweak is only for the 3 demo cars !
YAY gonna try it soon!
erm..i dont get the bike setting lol...thought my car would have only 2 wheels than, but no it cant fall, but reacts crazy. i dont get it lol

*EDIT* my LFS crashes when i try to load one of ur presets (well dont crash but it doesnt show me the car in the pit and when i pit out the game is frozen.)
Gonna try this tomorrow, thanks a lot Fonny
yatzy thanx a lot Fonnybone great tool great fun thank u :drink: time to make some 10000bhp cars on the tarmac
Another excellent tool but I wont install it because I prefer the original cars :P
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :erm..i dont get the bike setting lol...thought my car would have only 2 wheels than, but no it cant fall, but reacts crazy. i dont get it lol

I think you don't steer with the wheel/handlebar but changing your balance like you would do in a real bike. It's just really hard steering method or it might be the extra 2 sets of wheels what makes it hard
Very common misconception, Krane. Bikes are steered with the handlebars. Or, to put it another way, it is through the use of the handlebars that a bike leans over.

Using the bike mode with 4 wheels in LFS is bizarre because the automatic steering compensates for lean angle. So when you turn the wheel to the right, the car leans to the left, and the automatic steering turns to the left.
any pre sets, preferably muscle and drag cars
Quote from Forbin :Very common misconception, Krane. Bikes are steered with the handlebars. Or, to put it another way, it is through the use of the handlebars that a bike leans over.

Using the bike mode with 4 wheels in LFS is bizarre because the automatic steering compensates for lean angle. So when you turn the wheel to the right, the car leans to the left, and the automatic steering turns to the left.

yeah...thats my prob lol whenever i steer left it turns right and right to left i cant get straight. for nothing :S
Yes, the bike cartype isnt very usefull at the moment, but ill be working on it soon.
So much for an early night.

Are the presets going to be loadable in future versions? If so I'll have to update the hundreds (well, not quite) of tweaks sitting on my website.

edit: eeek, no track/wheelbase adjustment - will these be added at a later date or is editing of that no longer possible? At a first glance that all that seems to be missing (it's been a while...)

Thanks a lot btw.
Nice work Fonnybone :up:
hmmm why dosnt the downforce tab appear wheny i set the cartypre to formula ?
Had to give this a try before going to sleep, and I must say I love it! Thank you fonnybone
Quote from Shotglass :hmmm why dosnt the downforce tab appear wheny i set the cartypre to formula ?

missed that too....would be cool XFG @ 350 KMH on Oval
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :missed that too....would be cool XFG @ 350 KMH on Oval

w00t 800hp drifting here I come
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LFSTweakS2 Lite (Old release for LFS v0.5Q)
(474 posts, closed, started )