Damo74 - The choice of Mp3 astra and BigTime for the voices, comes from the nice, well knowed voice of Astra, American accent from BigTime and their kindness to help and deliver. And thats very important.
BenjiMC and Mp3Astra - I was sure about the translation of "cringe", but i think i know now. But if you have other word with same meaning would be good. Btw...dialogue hey? Tks...good idea....now i just have to find more volunteers.
Astro[BJRL] - Hi john...hope you liked it.

Credits : "My Father Was A Racer", Matt ( LFS. Reg: Gunn )
- Harpe playing. Tks Matt!

and sorry.
Pearcy 2K7 - Well that scene had to be changed a bit.

The idea was that, the terrorist Uncle, was supposed to pick up his nefew, then they were supposed to say to eachother..." yay, we're clear" and went away. Then they will see the cops and turn around, it was meant to make you wonder why the heck did they turn around for, until you see the "surprise" cop cars. Was supposed to have 15 police cars. ( not enough drivers )
In the actual version, the nefew isn't deliverd and he just takes off.
ThunderHead - FileFront doesn't work yet? If soo, do you suggest any good upload site for 300MB ?
Thanks all for comments.