The online racing simulator
Pre Race 2 Discussion
Any thoughts advice and notes post here. I know that these needs to be improved:

More strict on enforcing chat rules
Quicker to wave the Black Flag
Steady Pace car.

I also have a small lyt for the BL race. I marked the pit exit clearly (with cones and chalk). Do not cross over into either side of the chalk/cones line.

I also reinforced the chicane and bends. If these prove to be too hazardous let me know and i'll remove them (or suggest a different item).
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I think barrier is not good for the S
use many many many tire is better
because there is easy to "fly" to there while u lose contral
Oh boy. Take off the barriers in the chicane please. Even the tires shouldn't be so close. Make sure an XRT can be there on the curb and have almost more then half the car on the grass without crashing please. That way its not cutting. Its just putting 2 wheels on the grass and often people will make a small mistake there.

Nooooo barriers please. If you want me to help let me know when you host it on a server and i'll give you more thoughts or let you see how it may distub some racing.

I have a feeling the pit exit cones are a bit on the racing line too.
Ya, barriers might be a problem considering that during testing i just died after just touching it.

I'll tweak it some more tomorrow and I'll msg u tea to ask ur opinion.

Also, maybe the pit exit shouldn't have an extended lyt?
I think its a good idea to have cones over there but they should only be there to force the player to get on the straight part of the pit exit. (If you see what I mean). Once they're going straight, no point having the cones really it just might get in the way of people racing.
I don't think its as crucial as your thinking to make these layouts for non-cutting. Sure don't promote cutting but have clear penalties for those that do and review them after the race and apply the penalty then... If needed, use a a few piles of tires at the start, apex and end of the inside of the corners in question. Nothing more is really needed, and you should provide a run-off in case of emergency, so definitely do not use the red barriers unless you making something look better and know there isn't much chance of a collision with them.
I made one

because rev track have not enough space, so I put some tires where easy to crash
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BL1R_LeagueLyt2.lyt - 2.2 KB - 146 views
I think you are all going way overboard on those layouts. The pit exit cones aren't needed as they get in the way of the racing line. The paint on the track is there for a reason. As for walls and extra tires, it isn't a beneficial place to cut and the first place, so I see no need in making it any more treacherous by adding flying cars and tires into the mix. Sand traps and LFS's default tire placement should handle the problems. My :twocents:.

For pitting, if you can keep objects to a minimum, you could add the layout under caution, and then remove it when pitting is done, but for during the race, it is just a hazard.
Only thing i dislike are the cones for the pit lane.. it just wont work.. it would get in the way..
Alright I'll keep that in mind. I suppose that the pit exits are marked clearly enough
I like the cones alot, but side by side they may be in the groove...just use chalk & arrows.
the cones looks good, but the barriers are not very necessary i think, cutting those corners will only make u slower
I actually dont think a layout is necessary for Blackwood, I may just not have one.
Please get us a better server
I found out the reason for the crash...the admin for the Storm Servers (i wont name names ) thought the race was over, and he needed to restart to system. So he figured that nothing else was going on and restarted the entire storm servers system.

I apologize for that and he said he wont do that again

BTW as an FYI I'm going to have standard 20 minutes qualifying for road courses
Quote from lizardfolk :I found out the reason for the crash...the admin for the Storm Servers (i wont name names ) thought the race was over, and he needed to restart to system. So he figured that nothing else was going on and restarted the entire storm servers system.

Eeeek.. that sucks!

Damn those admins!
I'm absolutely serious too. The admin felt a bit bad after that, we kinda yelled at him.
I think in exchange he should donate a storm servers t-shirt to all participants of the league.
when the pit stop windows is?
Scuse the noob question but is the race this weekend?

Studying for exam tomorow so can't really check. :P
Yes, it is this weekend sunday 20:00 UTC\GMT
I wont have a lyt, it's kinda fine the way it is