The online racing simulator
Ghostcar WR replays grabber.
(24 posts, started )
Ghostcar WR replays grabber.
I think it is good for begginers like me to have ghostcar with excellen trajectory and time to learn from.

I asked Keygets to enable it in his ghostar mod ,but perhaps he is too busy.
So i made this utility to make ghostcar capture his tracks from replay.

1. Make sure u have ghostar mod.
2. Backup Your ghostcar replays.
3. Start lfsgrun or type /insim=28888 in lfs.
4. Swich to windowed mode.(or alt-tab)
5. Start ghostpatch exe
6. Open WR replay.
7. During the beggining of the replay press ghostpatch's button.
8. Dont change cameras or other settings until the end of the replay

10. Try to beat it
Attached files - 3.4 KB - 1195 views
#2 - herki
sounds quite nice to me, will try it later
#3 - D34N0
Nice One and Thanks

I have quickly tested it and it made the WR GhostCar. Now all I have to do is try and get the car to handle well enough to get close to the time
#4 - avih
haven't been using ghostcar since i nearly never drive offline, nevertheless, this sounds very usefull, grats and thanks
Thanx a lot! Going to try it tonight
Nice work!

I'm prob. stupid, but I don't get it to work. Ghostcar runs, enabled, and outim enabled. dest 28888, src 31000. Hitting button does nothing
In replay ghostcar and path will apear after the first full lap the replay car will make. U must hit button before the car in the replay starts the round (crosses start-finish line first time ) .And dont change views during the replay or toggle windowed/fullscreeen.After replay car make first lap u'll see "new ghostcar record " message and the path is saved. Try WR replays with few laps. After the first lap u'll see ghostcar in replay.
#8 - Veiti
...thx a lot!
Quote from bez_bashni :In replay ghostcar and path will apear after the first full lap the replay car will make. U must hit button before the car in the replay starts the round (crosses start-finish line first time ) .And dont change views during the replay or toggle windowed/fullscreeen.After replay car make first lap u'll see "new ghostcar record " message and the path is saved. Try WR replays with few laps. After the first lap u'll see ghostcar in replay.

did all that, wont work for me
need the enabler to be in a special folder?
right now its inside of my lfs main folder where is GRun too.
Folder doesnt matter.
Do u have ghostcar mod installed? does it work?
I'm sure gonna give it a try.
Thanx for the programm
Quote :I'm prob. stupid

You are not alone

After I start the replay, in window mode, and click on the button I can See just to reduce my frame rate at almost 1 per second and nothing happen, just the car runs, but I cannot see the carpath also if I started Grun and it works fine when I run.

However i think it's a good tool
didn't work for me either, thought i was doing something wrong...

then I updated the ghostcar mod from v1.0 to v1.01 and now it works fine! :up:

USEFULL TIP- u can use ghostcar to draw ideal line in multiplayer - to do this u have to make copy of your lfs directory-and remove from the copy d3d8.dll
Then start copy of LFS (with minimum graphics) and initilise /insim=28888 in this copy - the first copy of lfs (with d3d8.dll) u're playing multiplayer - the second copy u staert the same track with the same car.

I don't think it is an unfair advantage - if u're a bad driver u'll wont become a winner anyway - but it'll help u to avoid wrecking...If ure a good driver- u know better when to steer an when to brake....
Attached images
hm does not work for me :///
Фигасе! Зачот!

Awesome, just what I was looking for.
Just a reminder..
As said earlier, you neeed Ghostcar V1.1 to make this work
#21 - DC2
I have a problem!
I done this all:
1. Make sure u have ghostar mod.
2. Backup Your ghostcar replays.
3. Start lfsgrun or type /insim=28888 in lfs.
4. Swich to windowed mode.(or alt-tab)
5. Start ghostpatch exe
6. Open WR replay.
7. During the beggining of the replay press ghostpatch's button.
8. Dont change cameras or other settings until the end of the replay

and after the hotlap,there is written this:
I don´t know what i´m doing wrong! Please help!
#23 - DC2
thx i will look later,i´m in school^^
Nice mod!
This must be a must-have to all those silly hotlappers

Ghostcar WR replays grabber.
(24 posts, started )