The online racing simulator
Stig Facts
(70 posts, started )
#1 - BAMBO
Stig Facts
I have recently started a new site called The ideea is to put all the facts known about The Stig into on page. Now you have the chance to make your own facts and if they're good and funny,they will appear on the site.So start thinking and start posting.
Do you want 'facts' or 'made up funnies'?
#3 - BAMBO
From what I know they're the same.Jeremy Clarkson facts= made up funnies.Just check the site to get examples.
The ones given on the show are the 'facts'. Whilst they might indeed be made up by Clarkson, they are the official versions.

If you just want people to make up silly additions then they are not a list of facts (although I appreciate this is stretching the term facts a bit).
For instance, Star Wars, despite being made up, as official facts. Making a list of stuff you make up yourself and claiming they are Star Wars facts wouldn't make them accurate.

And there is already a list of 'Official' Stig facts somewhere. No need to duplicate.
#5 - Bean0
There is a site I used once where you IMG linked in a forum sig for example, and it provided a radnom 'Some say...... All we Know is.....' every refresh.
#6 - BAMBO
Usually random things are not funny and I want to see just how creative the LFS community really, man made things are better then computer generated.Anyway do you still have a link ?
#7 - BAMBO
Quote from tristancliffe :The ones given on the show are the 'facts'. Whilst they might indeed be made up by Clarkson, they are the official versions.

If you just want people to make up silly additions then they are not a list of facts (although I appreciate this is stretching the term facts a bit).
For instance, Star Wars, despite being made up, as official facts. Making a list of stuff you make up yourself and claiming they are Star Wars facts wouldn't make them accurate.

And there is already a list of 'Official' Stig facts somewhere. No need to duplicate.

It's not the same thing. Star Wars is an ideea turned into a movie so the facts dreamed up are tehnically speaking correct and real while Jeremy Clakson facts are just made up to entertain the Top Gear community and Stig fans like me.

P.S: You must be crazy if you flamme me because of a small mistake that I made, if it's a mistake.
What is "stig"?
Star Wars facts were dreamt up by George Lucas.
Stig facts were dreamt up by Jeremy Clarkson.

Both are fictional. Neither are, in an accurate sense, facts. But you can stick with the official versions (facts), like Jedi have mind powers, or the Stig never blinks, or you can make up your own which aren't funny, aren't well known, and have nothing to do with TopGear or the Stig officially.

In other words - why bother making a weblist of stuff you can make up?

Okay, I'll start. Some say he sdfodfsadcascac; all we know is, he's called the Stig.
Quote from tristancliffe :Star Wars facts were dreamt up by George Lucas.
Stig facts were dreamt up by Jeremy Clarkson.

Both are fictional. Neither are, in an accurate sense, facts. But you can stick with the official versions (facts), like Jedi have mind powers, or the Stig never blinks, or you can make up your own which aren't funny, aren't well known, and have nothing to do with TopGear or the Stig officially.

In other words - why bother making a weblist of stuff you can make up?

Okay, I'll start. Some say he sdfodfsadcascac; all we know is, he's called the Stig.

Listen here ,just because you don't like the ideea that doesn't mean it's not good. You can make your own funny facts that people enjoy.Someone else did the same thing about another legend and it worked.

P.S: The site also contains other made up funny things about the Stig and before you start criticizing just check the site and if you still don't like it, then post somewhere else.
A list I've collated.
Attached files
The Stig.doc - 31 KB - 223 views
Thanks, they're actually good.
Bish bash bosh...

They're all good but that is not what I wanted. I wanted to get new brilliant ideeas from the community.
Some say he is called the Stig. All we know is, he is called "The Stig".

Quote from avellis :Some say he is called the Stig. All we know is, he is called "The Stig".

Thanks for moking my ideea.I really apreciate it.
Look, I will give you some examples. :

Some say

1. He has tyre marks instead of fingerprints
2. He was once the target of numerous bounty hunters in Siberia
3. He likes to put British Airways on strike
4. He can build 0-60 prisons in 3.5 seconds
5. His overalls are white because he outran the colours
6. He grows 3 cm when he burps
7. He created the Honda brand so everybody could laugh at it
Well IIRC, these are Chuck Norris facts, you just converted them into "Stig facts".
Quote from Ovidiu23 :Well IIRC, these are Chuck Norris facts, you just converted them into "Stig facts".

Look again
(Taavi(EST)) DELETED by Taavi(EST)
My favourite (thanks Bean0 for that site )

"Some say that he sucks the moisture from ducks, and that his crash helmet is modelled on Britney Spears' head... all we know is, he's called the Stig."

...this comes a close second though

"Some say that on really warm days, he sheds his skin like a snake, and that for some reason, he's allergic to the Dutch... all we know is, he's called the Stig."
don´t be fanatic much

Stig Facts
(70 posts, started )