The online racing simulator
Oh, almost forgot. Here are the skins (All but safety car skin).
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competition_skins.rar - 1.1 MB - 273 views
Quote from rhys_02 :hey guys, havent posted here in a while.
jus wondering if Gekkibi could open up his servers and maybe hav a few fun races planned, jus so that we guys can all still race with each other?

+1! I'd like to race the brave men who fought valiantly

It would be fun to race you guys, see how much S2 helps my skillz (what skillz?)
As you wish. The server is "S2 Voucher Competition - Race" and password is "respect_others". It will be online for now. If you guys use it, I will make it permanent server. If not, I will shut down it after a week or so.
(ChiShiFu) DELETED by ChiShiFu
Just a question, is the video for the race available already? I thought someone mentioned that he'd be doing up a video featuring highlights of the race.
Quote from sidewinder1009 :Just a question, is the video for the race available already? I thought someone mentioned that he'd be doing up a video featuring highlights of the race.

He haven't contacted me yet, so I assume it is not ready yet. Be patient.
I cant't access the server. I tried patch Y, Y18 and Y20...
Quote from khoianh94 :I cant't access the server. I tried patch Y, Y18 and Y20...

Change your mode to "demo-mode" (Before you click "Join specific host". There are three possibilites: Demo / S1 / S2).
OK, now it works. But there's no one online anyway. :rolleyes:
Quote from khoianh94 :OK, now it works. But there's no one online anyway. :rolleyes:

There were some activity yesterday.
got a work now, will join next week
VIdeo update !

I'll be working on the recap video this coming weekend.

Or so I hope.

man, I wish I could race in this "license chase" still on?
I think this needs to be organised, like a race at 8:00 every night?
Quote from racing.xz :Is still race are aviable? if yes tell to mee then thei would be

The race will be held 25 of may 2008. Before you can participate, invent a time machine.
Quote from Gekkibi :Before you can participate, invent a time machine.

Hmmm, there are easier ways to get a S2 Voucher!

Man, the PC got reformatted. Now I can't race. My family is forbidding me to install LFS now because they think I caused a virus.
Quote from :^Lol

Man, the PC got reformatted. Now I can't race. My family is forbidding me to install LFS now because they think I caused a virus.

tell them they're stupid.
Which is exactly what I think. I know Scavier didn't make LFS to infect!
Quote from :Which is exactly what I think. I know Scavier didn't make LFS to infect!

Don't fight against their authority. They have all the rights to make decicions, even you think (Or know) they are wrong. You could explain that the LFS extraction file is located in secured server, not in some kind of P2P network, and thus it is as safe as using internet banks. However, don't press them. Pressing will only cause that they have less chance to change their mind. Let time pass.
Quote from dekojester :VIdeo update !

I'll be working on the recap video this coming weekend.

Or so I hope.

"This coming weekend" is some weeks ago already... How is it going?
People begged for masse Kyoto 500 practice evenings, and I did them.

And the same people showed up, and not many more.

Next week after the 500, I'll be able to work on it.

If I get time, this week, too.
