The online racing simulator
FnF Skyline Skin?
(16 posts, started )
#1 - Jambo
FnF Skyline Skin?
can any1 make or have an immitation skin of the nissan skyline featured in 2fast 2furious, may be old but i cas thinking a car on lfs which was look a like to it, to put the skin on. i was thinking maybe the FXO?

maybe you can supply some pictures??
#3 - Jambo
yeh i just messid this 1 up, tryna find some now
#4 - Jambo

here it is. hope its enough. Thanks
#5 - tonix
I have one from old Lfs S1. It's pretty good, but you'll need to convert it to S2.
Attached images
jambo, i could convert that for you if you like, unless, of course, you know how to do that yourself. let me know.

tonix, nice team skins
#7 - Jambo
yeh could u possably conver it for mew tonight? (monday)

thanks for all your help.

sorry, dude, i'll try to get it done within a week. see, i have a job that keeps me busy these days
#9 - tonix
I'll convert it to fit S2 xr family .
thanks, when for? maybe tonight? (tuesday?)
Here you go.
Attached files
2f2f.rar - 746.8 KB - 766 views
thing is m8, it wont open, it dosnt work

It opened up just fine here. Do you have winrar?
do you have a program to support RAR files, like WINRAR ect?

edit - lol opps i thought toni said do we have a winner =/ should of read that proply
i have irnfan view pain etc, ill get winrar, then i can open it and then put it ikn skins folder

pretty cool too ty

FnF Skyline Skin?
(16 posts, started )