The online racing simulator
More cars / less cars?
(16 posts, started )

Poll : What do you think?

Yes, you are right!
No, that is a bad idea (please explain below).
More cars / less cars?
Sorry for the poll spam, but this is a similar issue, but different issue...
Now the CARS.

Again, many people clamor for new cars, and again I tend to disagree - many combos, nearly noone has driven all the combos... etc.
Whenever someone suggest Car A or Car B, I shudder, thinking "great Idea.. ANOTHER car to master and suck at!".

Well... that got me thinking (always a rare and dangerous event), and I came up with this:
More cars, but in the SAME CLASSES.
For example - for the roadcars (XFG/XRG) we could add a mid-engine, RWD car (as we could in all classes - LFS has exactly zero mid-engined cars - apart from single-seaters, ofc). THAT alone is 5 more cars (TBO, LRF, GTR, BabyGTR, FZ5-LX6 class).

UF1000 could get a new companion on a XFG with even less power (say 60hp - the usual 1.1liter roadcar), etc.
Then other cars could be added to make everyone happy - newer looking cars, convertibles (like a MX-5/S2000 lookalike), hothatches (some Focus/Golf GTI lookalike for TBO), etc.
Since they would be in the same class (roughly same power-to-weight, tire size, torque, etc...) they would be relatively equal in laptimes, but some would be better for some tracks - like we got in TBO atm. HOWEVER, with more cars per class, it would be much harder to say "Car X is TEH CAR for Class Y" as we say of FXO and TBO.

This even fixes the car selection menu - it would be a matter of navigating to your car "class" then choosing the model to drive.

Again, a cryptic poll to ensure the post is read.
Again, sorry for the "spamm-ish" posts.
I disagree on the grounds that I want an F430 fighter, an LMP, and a classic (mid-late 60s) F1/F2 car.
#3 - feat
I'm not that smart in all the racing stuff in real life, but imo it's '' More cars '', because of more class.
We already have a mid-engined roadcar

The Raceabout
Quote from ATHome :We already have a mid-engined roadcar

The Raceabout

And that's enough Probably the less popular car in LFS.
#7 - G!NhO
i'd like to see a proper super car, something faster than FZ5 but better handling. i know we have the GTR cars, but i mean a road car
Quote from Töki (HUN) :And that's enough Probably the less popular car in LFS.


According to LFS World, it's only been used for 784,989 laps. The next highest, the FZ5, has been used for 1,449,371 laps. The most (over)used car in LFS though, is the FOX, with 19,085,493 laps (But 18,000,000 of these are Tristan's :razz.
The RAC would probly be more popular if someone installed another antirollbar in there.
a mid engine car for the "XFG/XRG class" would be nice , and one for the TBO or GTR class would be lovely.
RAC drives pretty good once you dominate it, people don't like it because they can't drive it instantly, just like the FO8 (wich I feel easier to drive with these new patchs, but hey, maybe i'm just crazy)
#11 - aoun
More variety. Simple.

More classes, LM, Supercars, Rally, V8's. More cars in each. More SS cars, more GTR cars, more road cars.
Quote from Stigpt : (as we could in all classes - LFS has exactly zero mid-engined cars - apart from single-seaters, ofc).

False, the FZ5 and the RAC are midship.
Quote from Zen321 :False, the FZ5 and the RAC are midship.

FZ5 is "based on" Porsche 911 which is "based on" ol' VW Beetle which is crap rear engined moving object.
Quote from diNOSaur :FZ5 is "based on" Porsche 911 which is "based on" ol' VW Beetle which is made by Hitler which is an arsehole.

After nearly 5 years of being involved in the LFS comunity my opinions on this subject have changed many times. At this point I think LFS has too much diversity in its car classes. While its great to have three cars with about the same performance capabilities, I often find that one of them is always more competitive then the others. The racing tends to be closer in single car races. If anything I would think it would be better to reduce the number of cars in any given class while also adding in some new classes of racing and tracks.

We also do not need three models of the same car. There is no reason why we can't just have one XR base model with the other versions just adding on differnet body/running gear parts. But please do not confuse that with customisable body kits and performance tuning.
couldnt they just keep people happy for awhile longer by giving the cars an update every now and then make them look abit newer in style and improving specs to match real life % impovement each year in real car models. i dont know jack about coding and modeling n whatever but from an outsiders point of view i cant imagine it would be alot of work. smooth off some sharp edges, new mags, change horsepower n grip settings or whatever. that way the cars would feel new each time they are updated. my thoughts neways.

More cars / less cars?
(16 posts, started )