The online racing simulator
If host vote to restart race, restart is immediatly done. For the other, message remain for 5 Second and come on top again when an another user vote!

Quote from Gai-Luron :message remain for 5 Second and come on top again when an another user vote!


But if I am racing I may miss the messages or I have messages blocked and miss the percentage text if only showing for 5 secs. I then wouldn't even know there was a vote to restart taking place.

I think the percentage text should also be position editable so admins can place it in a similar place to Conedodgers voting message so it doesn't get in the way of any other information on screen.

Just taken a screenshot of the Voting System Conedodgers use, hope no-one minds.

Can you update whats in PB.txt

Database of best personal lap times, players and their cars

Format of file is as follows:

line 1 - Player NickName
line 2 - Car Name
line 3 - Lap Time in format MM.SS.HH
line 4 - Track Name
line 5 - 1st Split Time
line 6 - 2nd Split Time
line 7 - 3rd Split Time

I have 15 lines per Racer now and only 7 descibed in docs

NB Any chance of us using GTR in !Near like we can with !Top GTR

Edit Found an issue. If a racer is on his own in qualifying and votes to Restart it says vote cancelled, surley 1 Racer on his own who votes is a 100% vote to restart.

Attached images
Hello Gai-Luron,
thank you for your latest additions to Lapper.
However, with the latest version /http command doesn't seem to work anymore, i checked the cfg 10 times and i can't see any problem...
With older version /http still works fine.
I would much appreciate if you could clarify if it's me or Lapper doing something wrong.
Thanks alot!

Here this command work fine, no modification on this feature, can you post /http command who won't work.

how i learn chart and button styles ?
can you show example cfg with use all commands ? please

what kind have id style (only welc,pos,clos,ref) ?

what kind have button style ?

this is a line command Lapper Do when you click on this button.
( /pbut id,ids_to_close,L,T,W,H,I,Time,one line message,"command" )
how it use ?

type !help in last beta version lapper dont shows clicker buttons.type !help shows only messages.


how it makes ? (never close buttons) (i know coordinates of that area)
Quote from Max Torque :
what kind have id style (only welc,pos,clos,ref) ?

A character string, it's an unique id to identify one messagebox/button. Random string

Quote from Max Torque :
what kind have button style ?

Look at insim.txt in doc LFS folder. In final release, i explain more

Quote from Max Torque :
this is a line command Lapper Do when you click on this button.
( /pbut id,ids_to_close,L,T,W,H,I,Time,one line message,"command")
how it use ?

Obsolete command, now it's:
/pbut unique_id,L,T,W,H,I,Time,Button_Style,message,"cmd"
"cmd" is optional, only for clickable button
"cmd" is a quoted Lapper command string, multicommand separated by :
"/pm you click on unique_id button:/cpbut unique_id"

/cpbut = close personnal button.

Quote from Max Torque :
type !help in last beta version lapper dont shows clicker buttons.type !help shows only messages.

Work, look if you have last config file with /pbut . Multiline message now is separated by '&' . '§' not to be used.

Due to many change in messagebox/button command. Take the config file provided with last beta version


New beta version for LFSLapper:

This version must be accuratly tested on Voting system and autorestart mode. Thank's. Soon Release version!

Quote :
|Changes from v5.632 to 5.633|
1. Remove LapperAdminVote, obsolete
if VoteRestart or VoteQualify or VoteEnd = -1, not catched by LFSLapper

2. Add some vote variables
VoteLifeSec = Second for the life for a vote

VoteRestart = percent of player vote on track need to restart race, LFS admin this if set to -1
onVoteRestartChange = Command to do when player vote to restart
onVoteRestartReach = Command to execute when VoteRestart is reached
onVoteRestartZero = Command to execute when no nb of player reach zero

VoteQualify = percent of player vote on track need to qualify, LFS admin this if set to -1
onVoteQualifyChange = same as restart but for qualify
onVoteQualifyReach = same as restart but for qualify
onVoteQualifyZero = same as restart but for qualify

VoteEnd = percent of player vote on track need to end race, LFS admin this if set to -1
onVoteEndChange = same as restart but for qualify
onVoteEndReach = same as restart but for qualify
onVoteEndyZero = same as restart but for qualify

On this action you can use:
{Nickname} - Nickname of driver
{Username} - Username of driver
{Vote} - Player who have voted
{Remain} - Player remaining to vote
{Need} - Player needed for action

3. Add date and time format in cfg file
Date and time format for PB file

Look at C# format date, little help

HH = Hour in 0-23 format
hh = Hour in 0-12 format
mm = Minute
tt = PM or AM
dd = Day of the month
MM = Month
yyyy = year with 4 digits

DateFormat = dd/MM/yyyy;
TimeFormat = HH:mm;

Thankyou Gai,

Will upload and get testing for you.

Need some help guys - Need some Racers
is lfs lapper able to:

detect if there was a crash (spin of a car) on track and give out (is possible with spin detection)
1) a auto-message or button somewhere on the low right of screen for everyone containing the name of the car which crashed (is possible as i could see in the config)
2) give out the command "/ai SAFETYCAR" (did not find it, is this possible. i think so its just a normal lfs-command, "/ai" right?)
3) check if everyone is below a certain speed or better if everyone is running with pitlimiter after X seconds after a crash? and if one is not using pit-limiter by that time give out a warning and after X+Y seconds give out a drive through penalty for that driver (did not find that, is this possible?)... maybe this could be solved with something similar to the "too slow detection" in the oposite way or maybe with something like the "acceleration detection" just with "max-top speed".... needs to be admin triggered or automated after a certain command is given out

is it possible to have the same with restriction also for tires? like if i have a R2 tire restriction on this track (everyone MUST use R2 tires), lapper checks the cars if they have wrong tires when exiting pits and also give out penalties when a car is changing to wrong tires during a race

can it give out a msg to an admin if a car is resets (space bar) when the server allows resetting?
Hi Gai,

I don't think AutoRestartRaceMn = 2; is working but will test more tomorrow. Edit Yes it does sorry

NB 1: Could you please add Admins are exempt from Idle Variable. Meaning they are not forced to spectate, if you just let us add
AuthIdleAdmin = Admin|@John Doe; or similar in Idle Options that will work fine I am sure.

NB 2: Could we also have !Near GTR added please.

NB 3: I think FTP could do with some additions like only update every 5 mins or at end of race or whatever as FTP gets hammered as its updating everytime PB.txt is updated which is not really needed. See what you think on this one.

Bug: My servers are not showing Voting allowed in Server Display Listing, showing QMP and should be VQMP as voting is allowed. Looks like Lapper is disabling this when Master Server requests info.

Bug: Voting system, if we have 4 ppl on track and driver 1 & 2 vote but 20 secs later driver 1 OR 2 votes again it restarts voting back to as if no one has even voted. So round and round we go in a never ending loop if 1 driver keeps voting. Once a driver has voted his vote should be ignored until voting times out.

Hope this helps

Thanks again

Is it posible to open a txt file with a button?
Its easyer to change the text in a file and the script is a bit shorter and easyer to follow

something like:
!help|/pbut help,25,28,150,10,5,-1,0,"&./help.txt":
/pbut close,90,95,20,10,8,-1,32,^3Ok,"/cpbut help&close"|
I haven't looked at lapper for a long time. It's grown up nicely!

I see spin detection as an option in the config file. Would it be possible to add flag detection? Just yellows would be fine although blue would be good too.
Quote from Danke :I haven't looked at lapper for a long time. It's grown up nicely!

I see spin detection as an option in the config file. Would it be possible to add flag detection? Just yellows would be fine although blue would be good too.

MinAngleVelocity = 90;
AngleVelocityAction = /rcm ^1USE CAUTION WHILE RECOVERING|/rcm_ply {Username};
Quote :I've downloaded the latest test-version of lapper. Extracted the files to a folder on my desktop and launched NetStartDefault.bat , after that I receive the following error:

LFSLapper.exe - Application Error

The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). Click on OK to terminate the application.

Running XP-SP3 and tested this with and without LFS-Y22 running.

edit: Solved! I haven't installed .NET on my fresh Windows installation and that's why Lapper won't start. Sorry for this mistake.
gbut & pbut
cgbut & cpbut

what's differance ?

( /pbut id,ids_to_close,L,T,W,H,I,Time,one line message,"command")

/pbut top,help,40,120,90,5,1,-1,80,^8Personal Best list,"/top {*}":

why this doesnt runs ?
i were look 1xx times.but doesnt solve.please type true syntax

/pbut help,0,45,130,5,1,-1,96,^1General Information:
/pbut top,40,50,90,5,1,-1,80,^8Personal Best list,"/top {*}":

this working perfectly but push Personal Best list, open pb list, doesnt close help
/pbut top,help,40,120,90,5,1,-1,80,^8Personal Best list,"/top {*}"


/pbut top,40,120,90,10,10,-1,32,^8Personal Best list,"/cpbut top:/top"

Quote :this working perfectly but push Personal Best list, open pb list, doesnt close help

Don't forget to close help message box

/pbut top,40,120,90,10,10,-1,32,^8Personal Best list,"/cpbut top&help:/top"

cpbut -> Close personnal button, put id of all button to close separated by '&' when this button is clicked
status OK ! solved ty.

/pbut help,0,45,130,5,1,-1,96,^1General Information:
/pbut top,40,120,90,10,10,-1,32,^8Personal Best list,"/cpbut top&help&rules:/top":
/pbut rules,40,125,90,10,10,-1,32,^7Server rules."/cpbut top&help&rules:????":

what i should type here ?


/pbut pos,0,45,55,5,1,-1,96,^7IMPORTANT RULES{colon}:

i wanna
type !help.after open list.this is currectly working.after push Server rules.opens "^7IMPORTANT RULES" ?

i hope understand me

i were wrote many codes so different positions.
Thanks, Gai! I may start using the source to help me to learn!
Quote from Max Torque :status OK ! solved ty.

/pbut help,0,45,130,5,1,-1,96,^1General Information:
/pbut top,40,120,90,10,10,-1,32,^8Personal Best list,"/cpbut top&help&rules:/top":
/pbut rules,40,125,90,10,10,-1,32,^7Server rules."/cpbut top&help&rules:????":

what i should type here ?


/pbut pos,0,45,55,5,1,-1,96,^7IMPORTANT RULES{colon}:

i wanna
type !help.after open list.this is currectly working.after push Server rules.opens "^7IMPORTANT RULES" ?

i hope understand me

i were wrote many codes so different positions.

In your version, this don't work. In next release, ability to create replacement variable in cfg file.

Please Wait!


New beta version, many internal config change and many config file change. This version will be tested carrefully, thank's

Remaining trace debug, don't worry!

Quote :+----------------------------+
|Changes from v5.632 to 5.640|
1. Change in internal configuration management ( for future extension ))
AuthPrivMess : removed
OnAuthReached : Added to replace AuthPrivMess

2. Fix bug in /http commands

3. Add switch in command Line
-help -> Show command line parameter
-debug -> put LFSLapper in debug mode
-dumpvar -> Dump all variable used by LFSLapper and set by config file

4. Add Var IdleExclude. User to exclude to idle action. Only username, no nickname
because in future version all player were registered
Exemple :
IdleExclude = Lagamel,Gai-Luron;

5. Remove Var, this var are obsolete

6. New config ability : addCmd to add a new command to lapper

Action to do on special command typed in message line
addCmd( "command[|command]"[,"allowedUser"]) = command text

"allowedUser" is optional if you wish to specify users, that are allowed to execute action
You can specify more user separated by '|'
Exemple :
addCmd("!ver","Gai-Luron|Lagamel") = /ver;
If ! before a name, force nickName authentification if UseUsernameForAuthentication=true
If ! before a name, force userName authentification if UseUsernameForAuthentication=false
You can use regexp expression in userName pattern, type regex=your regular expression
Exemple : if UseUsernameForAuthentication=treu
Find all user who nickname begin with [COP]
Find all user who username begin with Gai
See regular expression on web for more info how it work
Use & sign at end of patterns, if you wish to specify a file containing users, that are allowed to execute action. users separate by \n

Use & sign at beginning of "allowedUser", if you wish to specify a file containing users, that are allowed to execute action. users separate by \n
Exemple :
addCmd("!ver","&./cmd.flt") = /ver:

7. Add internal var for config file. A local variable can be defined to put in another configration variable
To define a var
<myVar> = /pm i'm very happy;

You can include this local variable in configuration variable
PBAction = /msg New PB by {Nickname}^8|<myVar>;

In fine PBAction look like this for LFSLapper
PBAction = /msg New PB by {Nickname}^8|/pm i'm very happy;

Quote from Max Torque :status OK ! solved ty.

/pbut help,0,45,130,5,1,-1,96,^1General Information:
/pbut top,40,120,90,10,10,-1,32,^8Personal Best list,"/cpbut top&help&rules:/top":
/pbut rules,40,125,90,10,10,-1,32,^7Server rules."/cpbut top&help&rules:????":

what i should type here ?


/pbut pos,0,45,55,5,1,-1,96,^7IMPORTANT RULES{colon}:

i wanna
type !help.after open list.this is currectly working.after push Server rules.opens "^7IMPORTANT RULES" ?

i hope understand me

i were wrote many codes so different positions.

<rules> = /pbut pos,0,45,55,5,1,-1,96,^7IMPORTANT RULES{colon}|
addCmd("!help" ) = /pbut help,0,45,130,5,1,-1,96,^1General Information|
/pbut top,40,120,90,10,10,-1,32,^8Personal Best list,"/cpbut top&help&rules|/top"|
/pbut rules,40,125,90,10,10,-1,32,^7Server rules."/cpbut top&help&rules|<rules>"|
addCmd('!rules") = <rules>;

This should be work!! Maybe in future version, i add a /execCmd command to execute a addCmd command
why not?
/execCmd !rules;

This thread is closed

LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )