Mercury announces a new member
(138 posts, started )
#26 - Mbah
hahaha thanks Arco will do
Nice find guys, congrats. Good luck too.
#28 - Mbah
Thanks N I K I, see you on the track soon
Grats Mercury and mbah.

Glad to see you've already got involved in the league racing world and signed up in the LFS Beginner's Cup. Good luck in there I'm sure you can win it if you have the help of Mercury lol.

Good luck in the future, you've probably gotten the best introduction in LFS ever :P getting into a team like that already will make you a quicker driver a lot faster. Grats.
Congratulations for both the team and the driver! You must be a great driver to get into such a great team so early in your LFS career. Grats again!
Im seeing your stats now Mike, and seriously WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#32 - Mbah
lol i'm being trained at the moment by Rooble, and I have been on LFS for ages today, i think my hands have blisters, i'm off to bed now.
Quote from Mbah :lol i'm being trained at the moment by Rooble, and I have been on LFS for ages today, i think my hands have blisters, i'm off to bed now.

LFS does that to you Welcome to LFS and gratz to both of ya.
Congratz Mbah hope you find your time in Mercury interesting.
haha interesting? hes in Mercury of course itll be interesting lol.

Gratz MR Southwood. Sorry for thinking you were rooble yesterday, I know i wouldnt want to be mistaken for rooble
Grats Mercury and mbah.
#37 - MR_B
Excellent stuff, hope your time with the team is a good'un!

Keep it clean out on the servers
welcome dude! look forward to get beaten by someone with 1/123rd (or something) of my experience!
join myself, emohazard as team leaders in the stunt division. that way u can stuff up in moe races, and say 'hey, stfu, im in the stunt div, so die.'
anyway, hopefully see you soon mate
Quote from [duck] :
Join Myself, Emohazard As Team Leaders In The Stunt Division. That Way U Can Stuff Up In Moe Races, And Say 'hey, Stfu, Im In The Stunt Div, So Die.'

#40 - Mbah
Thanks guys, and good idea Duck lol You all seem a nice bunch of guys, and very fast so i think i'll settle down nicely, will be on later, college soon
All i know about the Mercury team is that they are good, they aren't made of Mercury (Hg) and that [DUcK] is in it .

EDIT: I wish is was in Mercury.
Grats to you Michael, and the team also
Mista Southwood \o/ |o| (o( /o\ (YMCA ja?)
Cyber Racing announces a new idiot :P (u know i lub u scipy).

Anyway Grats Mr. Southwood
congrats good bunch of lads there
#46 - Mbah
Quote from hansonator69 :All i know about the Mercury team is that they are good, they aren't made of Mercury (Hg) and that [DUcK] is in it .

EDIT: I wish is was in Mercury.

Yes, don't forget about that noob Bawbag

Scip I didn't understand what you were trying to say, YMCA is like a dance lol,

Thanks for the kind words everyone.
Quote from mogster :Cyber Racing announces a new idiot :P (u know i lub u scipy).

Anyway Grats Mr. Southwood

Now you mention it... What's up with your website?
Pfff thats like the fastest join ive ever seen...

Anyways i think the STIG has landed....

Hope to do some racing with you, last night on BLGP was fun...

Congratzzz en Goodluck...
Nice find guys!

Looking at his stats i'm sure this "noob" is gonna push a few of you Merc guys on track sooner or later

All the best guys!
Congrats on the New Home Mbah, Now see people why dont others see this potential?? Newbies get forced down the ladder till they gain 'Rep' This guy has show us what happens when newbies show up and slaughter us :P

Still Well Done To the Mercury Team and Mbah

Mercury announces a new member
(138 posts, started )