I was 15, going to be 17 before much longer. We've had a couple of small sponsors to help ease the pain a little bit, but if we don't get any more we won't be able to run again next season. And we're running out of ideas of where to get them...
Impressive. I absolutely and firmly believe that LFS improved my real car control and my ability to predict what a car will do next. It didn't teach me everything by any means (I'd done track days, karting, road driving (as a total 18 year old loon), ridden bikes etc, which all taught me a lot, but LFS has it's place in that list.
Your car control looks pretty damn awesome, but I bet you went into Old Hairpin with your buttocks more clenched than usual! The best way to learn to drive a track quickly is in very wet conditions.
For starters, he probably saves what money he can for it, and I'd imagine he does a lot of the work himself (with his Dad?) to keep costs down. Then bear in mind that an MR2 isn't especially expensive to buy or to race - By far the most expensive bit of racing is the entry fees and the traveling. Running a car is quite reasonable.