I would like to see LfS move up to the next level.
We all agree on the fact that LfS tries to be a simulator - even if people just join for fun (doing other stuff than racing) it's still realistic - we don't have tons of options to degrade this level of realism.
But one major thing is lacking - consecvenses - I know the lack of consecvenses are one of the elements that makes computergames so popular, but I think something should be worked out as an option that can be switched on or off by the server admins.
I haven't been racing online for that long - maybe a year and a half or even two, but I noticed from the very beginning that lots of people are too willing to sabortage someones else game to theire own benefit - ramming beeing one of them.
I must admit I dont see this happening much in LfS, but it does occur - but at the same time I think most, or atleast some of them ,(in LfS), are just unaware about the racing rules.
Even though it doesn't occur as much as in some other racing games, it still occurs so often that I'm now beginning to back off entering turns - by that I mean back off when I'm at the racing line, while an opponent is way off the line and even behind me, but somehow people think the one who first reaches the corner has the right to do the move.
Thats not how it's supposed to be
This, amongst others, kind of behavior takes the fun out of a simulator - I know I can join leagues, but I don't always want that - leagues aren't the same as FFA games.
So I think LfS should have a licensing system - not software licensing

but driver/racing licenses - the concept could be similar to the current "Training" in LfS - But instead of unlocking the next vehicle, your result would (also) affect wich servers you can joing. As I mentioned - this should be an option, so server admins can decide for themselfs wether or not the server should dissalow players without the proper license.
The driver school should put theory into practical traing, where it covers the most important issues regarding racing - ie. cutting corners, racing lines, overtaking etc.
The goal isn't to breed the perfect racedriver, but to make the users more aware about the rules and how to behave.
The same is true for real life racing - you have to have license to prove you are of no danger to others and yourself - beside stating that you can actually compete or atleast drive in that class
Main reason for this is - exept that LfS is a simulator - that new gamers will show up every day (or something like that

), and they will have to spend some time online before they know how to properly behave on the tracks (I'm ofcourse only talking about gamers that don't know much about racing rules).
I don't know.. maybe I'm getting too serious about this - but the fact is that whenever a driver hits me, it really bothers me - I can somewhat deal with inexperinced drivers, as I can stay behind them in the beginning to avoid the typical start crashses etc, but experinced drivers (I would call them hotlappers) do it too - they tick me way more off.
I have more ideas on this, but I think I should stop now