The online racing simulator
Quote from Gustix :u need to put all textures on that woman from that folder what u downloaded (hehe) [if you mean the clothes ]
Quote from BastianB :

here´s another one, do i have to color the woman like i did with the rims aboth?

The bitch needs a texture bitmap, probably provided with the scene. edit: too late...

Quote from T.J. :Anyone know how to use a mask? I really need to know it..

Try the .blend attached, is it what you want?
Attached files
Mask - 64.1 KB - 344 views
Quote from Bogey Jammer :The bitch needs a texture bitmap, probably provided with the scene. edit: too late...

ahhhh ok i know what you mean, do i have it to load it like the skin on the car? (cause i have one)
Quote from BastianB :ahhhh ok i know what you mean, do i have it to load it like the skin on the car? (cause i have one)

I think so
i followed gustix instruction how to color the rims, but all i get is this gay pink ^^ ?!

Quote from Bogey Jammer :Try the .blend attached, is it what you want?

What I mean is that I got one tga image that contains the badging of the car. And then I got one more tga image to mask the first one....
I can try to make a mask in one picture in photoshop or something..

Edit: I just deleted all the badging on the car. Looks much cleaner anyway.
How do I make a lamp that only lights up the speccular color on one specific car?
use layers. put a car in one layer, and a light in the same layer. in the lighting setting press the button "layer"

which aironeracing scene you are working on? i see if I have the same one with mask done.
BastianB you have to check your colour ramp, it's next in a sub menu to the colour selection.
noobs questions...

Quote from BastianB :i followed gustix instruction how to color the rims, but all i get is this gay pink ^^ ?!

I dunno, read the manual and try the settings, to understand the main principles at first and next to get experience to work by yourself

Quote from T.J. :How do I make a lamp that only lights up the speccular color on one specific car?

There are buttons in the lamp menu to activate shader affectation of the lamp (diffuse specular negative, I don't remember the others...) keep the specular pressed only.
Quote from JJ72 :use layers. put a car in one layer, and a light in the same layer. in the lighting setting press the button "layer"

which aironeracing scene you are working on? i see if I have the same one with mask done.

The BMW M3 GTR.. But I deleted all the badging so no need to worry about that.. I got the hang of the pearlescent paint now.. I will post a screenie ASAP.
Attached images
TEST 5.jpg
wow looks nice
Is it possible to render the 'Right side' of the car?

if so, could you screen shot / guide for me?

yup it is, all u gotta do is move the camera
Where can i move them too, i moove them slighty and it doesnt work nice
My first render

lol nice
my render
your opinion please

Attached images
I can't get Blender 2.46 to work on my mac so I'm using 2.45 and V2, and it looks grainy. is that because of the wrong blender version or are my settings or something wrong? The render looks great otherwise.

EDIT: got 2.46 working, but it is really, really slow rendering. 30 mins into and I've only got about 2 boxes. is 3DS this slow?
Quote from Zachary Zoomy :EDIT: got 2.46 working, but it is really, really slow rendering. 30 mins into and I've only got about 2 boxes. is 3DS this slow?

3DSmax is not a render engine but a 3D edition tool. You're probably talking about Vray or Brazil renderers. The answer is no.
I think he probably refer to comparison of the two 3D software...
3DS can be slow as well if you put high settings for quality render.
my second render

This blender is very good thing

lol looking good
note: i would so tap that

One more and thats enough
thats sort of what I meant. As I was 30 mins into a render and only 4 boxes done.

EDIT: is there a way to speed up the rendering without too much decrease in quality, I'm almost 6 hours into it and about 3 boxes to go.

Ready-To-Render kit (free)
(973 posts, started )