The online racing simulator
Firefox 3! Help it get in the guiness world book of records
no wai, opera ftw!
If it works for mac I'll download it tomorrow :P
About the same as 2.0, it does block AVG 8.0 site scanner though. Just so people do not freak out, AVG still works as far as scanning and virus protection is concerned.
Does firefox3 really worth it?
#6 - arco
Combined with Foxmarks, Firefox is well worth it yes.
Nothing new to me :P
I don´t like it, I prefer 2.0
Doesn't seem much different after a few hours use.

  • It's a LOT faster - both on startup and page change
  • It's using less memory - presumably giving up memory allocations when it doesn't need them
  • I don't like the address bar's autocomplete feature, but I haven't worked out how to make it normal again... Edit: aha - Oldbar
Yeh, the AwesomeBar is quite teh suk
The speed increase from to 3 is just INSANE. The thing flys.
The speed increase alone is worth the change IMO.
I've never liked FF, so I'm not going to bother with the new version. I don't have anything against it, per sé. I do hate the FF "religion" with a passion, though.
Quote from obsolum :I've never liked FF, so I'm not going to bother with the new version. I don't have anything against it, per sé. I do hate the FF "religion" with a passion, though.

Not as much as I hate Interweb Exploder tho!
It's faster? Guess I'll upgrade then. By the by, FF3 received the "Colbert Bump" last night. Didn't see that coming.
Works Like A charm!

A lot faster and Consume Less Ram
+1 for faster...blistering compared to FF
#19 - aoun
It is faster, but i hate the whole hate FF, IE thing. As long as i can view webpages with quality, im happy, and FF seems to do that a bit better than IE for me, so ya, FF3 is good!
Quote from aoun :It is faster, but i hate the whole hate FF, IE thing. As long as i can view webpages with quality, im happy

Agreed. The funny thing is, though, that if you say to an IE user "I don't like IE" they'll generally just say "well... okay ". But if you say to a FF user "I don't like FF" they usually jump on you and start saying that IE is evil, sucks, piece of crap, and so on.... I never got that. It's like they assume just because you don't like Firefox, that you must use Internet Explorer and should be burnt at the stake for it
Firefox may be a decent browser (I don't think so but whatever, that's personal opinion) but its fanatic community is absolutely horrible.
hm is anyone else having problems with alt+s on firefox 3?
Whats your problem with alt+s
I had to reinstall flash, that was my only issue.

Other than that its faster, pretty much the same on the surface.
#24 - J.B.
So what do the fanboys say now that always denied FF was a slow system hog? Sounds like a great release but I'm not testing it until there's been some time for the extension makers to make sure their stuff works.

Or can I just install it in parallel to my current FF2 install (without having to jump through hoops!)?
Quote from master_lfs.5101 :Whats your problem with alt+s

doesnt work in the full blown post editor (only moves the cursor to submit but doesnt submit it) but works in the quick reply box... ff ftw