Setup Field vs. Setup Grid.
(79 posts, started )

Poll : Which One Has The Higher Quality Setups?

Setupfield !
Quote from tinvek :its a pity the two can't get together so the setup database is the same on both so you can use whichever site you feel most comfortable with.

I discover the wheel. You copy it, and then we join forces ???

I think NOT !!
Can't really blame a guy for trying to improve the wheel.
Remember Guys. We do all this stuff for YOU, for the Setups and for LFS
Anyway, I use both pretty frequently. I think they complement each other well.
Setupgrid, looks much more professional that Setup Field aswell
Quote from RacerAsh3 :Setupgrid, looks much more professional that Setup Field.

Which was NOT the poll question.

Been using it for quite a while, so it is more of a habit.
Ofcourse I also use setupgrid, when I'm on the lookout for a specific combo setup, but I prefer setupfield.
The interaction between racers/admins is also easier, a bit more laid back, via the shoutbox.
Setupgrid RULZ! :banana:
This was a fluke I'm guessing - but do people have to pay to advertise up here?
Attached images
Quote from JasonJ :This was a fluke I'm guessing - but do people have to pay to advertise up here?

Nope, its free
Wow. Those devs are nice chaps.
Thanks for the reply.
SetupGrid because setupField looks old and boring.
Quote from [UKR] Race King :SetupGrid because setupField looks old and boring.

i agree that it's old and boring, but how does that affect the quality of the setups?

I wonder how many of the voters really understood what the poll was about.
Quote from csurdongulos :i agree that it's old and boring, but how does that affect the quality of the setups?

I wonder how many of the voters really understood what the poll was about.

All of them misunderstood the question I voted for Inferno of course
Quote from csurdongulos :i agree that it's old and boring, but how does that affect the quality of the setups?

I wonder how many of the voters really understood what the poll was about.

What makes you think that SetupGrid hasn't got any good sets?Many world record holders have uploaded great sets in there as far as i know.
Quote from [UKR] Race King :What makes you think that SetupGrid hasn't got any good sets?Many world record holders have uploaded great sets in there as far as i know.

where in my two sentences above did I imply that there are no good sets at Setupgrid? I was just pointing out that your post had nothing to do with the question the poll was about.

Anyways, I vote for equal.
Quote from csurdongulos :i Agree That It's Old And Boring, But How Does That Affect The Quality Of The Setups?

I Wonder How Many Of The Voters Really Understood What The Poll Was About. :d

Quote from csurdongulos :where in my two sentences above did I imply that there are no good sets at Setupgrid? I was just pointing out that your post had nothing to do with the question the poll was about.

Anyways, I vote for equal.

You got the initial idea, as the man who discocered the wheel. Both are easy to copy, and they do that.
Quote from Clownpaint :Someone had to do it.

Steal an idea !
Bravo !!
You are my hero !!

Add some sarcasm to my last lines
Setupgrid is bit like NFS, all about eye-candy but that's it.. especially when they run contest like "we give 100£ for person who posts most sets", you think this brings quality sets? I don't think so
just true what eza said.

voted for equal though. neither of those two are able to provide an totally sufficient amount of setups.

nowadays i mostly use the setupfield for all the "old setups", from before patch y.
Setups are user dependant. So that arguement is simply blunt since quality of sets is equal on both sites tbh. Same as quantity...

The difference is in functionality/eye candy, where i'll let you make your own decisions.
i think setupgrid is a lot better than setupfield, because the sets there are better categorized. especcially the SIG is a good thing.

the only thing i miss: i made a setupgrid on your page for my team. i published my sets public before. now they are only available in public SG. would be nice if it would be possilbe to link sets to the own SG which were made by team mates.
Quote from (FIN)Eza :Setupgrid is bit like NFS, all about eye-candy but that's it.. especially when they run contest like "we give 100£ for person who posts most sets", you think this brings quality sets? I don't think so

And what's setupfield....GP1???? Sorry but that's just plain fanboi bollox, same with alland, what crap.

On about stealing ideas and stuff, what happend in WRC when paddle shifters started getting used, you didn't see those teams complaining when others followed and made them better?

Apart from the fact that there is other setupfields for differn't games which have been around for a long time aswell, it's so stupid that you guys could even think of calling it copying.

Even though I don't use either of the setup sites, from what i've saw of them i'd say the new setupgrid is better, the layouts and mostly I guess is the freshness of it.

Setup Field vs. Setup Grid.
(79 posts, started )