Lew 1s
(141 posts, started )
Quote from nihil :How many of you are likely to be asked to dinner chez Lewis?

I doubt with Lewis, as he's too interested in female movie stars, but I have had dinner/lunch with various F1 drivers in the past, and we (but not I) have had business dealings with a few in the past too.
Quote from tristancliffe :I doubt with Lewis, as he's too interested in female movie stars, but I have had dinner/lunch with various F1 drivers in the past, and we (but not I) have had business dealings with a few in the past too.


I don't know. Some people can carry it off. Shakey Byrne is a flash bastard with a flash taste in flash birds. He's still my favourite racer to watch though, and has been for while.
Newly rich young person who practices a profession of ambiguous usefulness does something stupid that involves a lot of money. What else is new?
"I'm just so mad that this obscenely rich guy who I don't personally know in any way is spending his money in ostentatious ways!"
#55 - aoun
Im not a fan of him, as you may realize in my posts earlier, but who cares what he does with his money. That's up to him.
Tristan for one...then all the other people who moan about everything he does.
Quote from pauliaK :Likes to blame everyone except for himself.

hehe, in fairness, most F1 drivers do that anyway
#59 - col
Quote from Storm_Cloud :It wasn't unfortunate, it was dumb. He also said "If I ruined Kimi's race then I apologise"


That 'if' maybe bigger than you realise....

When they got out of the cars after Lewis shunted Kimi at the lights, and Kimi made a gesture towards Lewis, he didn't seem as angry as I would have expected - more like he was taking the piss... that made me think that Kimi was actually not that upset at the outcome. Before Hamiltons screw up he was looking good to increase his lead over Kimi. For this reason, maybe Kimi was relaxed enough about it to just be having a laugh at Lewises noobness... for once Hamiltons Maclaren had the advantage over the Ferraris, and he threw it away like a proper noob.
If the season ends with Kimi winning again beating Hamilton by a point, then this particular 'IF' gets really BIG

(Of course, Kimi was probably less 'philosophical' about the incident when Kubica took the win and the lead in the championship...)

Quote from marzman :
And for the attitude. You can't be the nicest guy on the track and a champignon. Schumacher wasn't a nice guy too for most of his career. But he was a great driver and a winner, and i think so will be Hamilton.

JYS has 3 WDCs in his trophy cabinet, Hamilton doesn't.
Quote from col :That 'if' maybe bigger than you realise....

When they got out of the cars after Lewis shunted Kimi at the lights, and Kimi made a gesture towards Lewis, he didn't seem as angry as I would have expected - more like he was taking the piss... that made me think that Kimi was actually not that upset at the outcome.

It also lead me to the conclusion that we will not being seeing Kimi in F1 next year. For me his attitude is that if it comes, it comes. Kimi is seeming to take everything in his path, with not much fuss, only thing is, I don't know if thats a good thing
I'm not sure if it really did hurt Kimi that Lewis did that and didn't want to show it or if he's just plain not bothered. It would make sense that he's not bothered. He'll already be remembered as one of the great WDC winners and one of the best drivers of his time, so he's achieved what he set out to do.

Lewis, i'm not sure about him. There's no denying that he wants to win the WDC but I think something along the way will really hit him (maybe literally) and he'll fall back into humble sportsman again.
Of course Kimi didn't looks angry. Has he ever showed any emotion...ever?

Lewis is an ok driver, but he seems to furfill the saying "once a rookie, always a rookie."
Leuis Hatemelol himself does enough to be disliked even without the interuption of media. It's enough to see him on the track and/or hear an interview right after a crash or a podium win. For now all he's able to do is hotlaping. I wonder how he'll do at French GP
Until about 5 minutes ago I still kinda liked Lew1s. Then I saw this picture of him and just can't stand the smugness. All through last season I was really rooting for Hamilton and I can't believe it now but I have to say I really don't care how well he does.
Attached images
Quote from Michael Denham :Until about 5 minutes ago I still kinda liked Lew1s. Then I saw this picture of him and just can't stand the smugness. All through last season I was really rooting for Hamilton and I can't believe it now but I have to say I really don't care how well he does.

Don't worry, you can counter it with this one which never fails to make me laugh:
Attached images
Quote from Michael Denham :Until about 5 minutes ago I still kinda liked Lew1s. Then I saw this picture of him and just can't stand the smugness. All through last season I was really rooting for Hamilton and I can't believe it now but I have to say I really don't care how well he does.

Yeah, I'm sure he chose that pose, too, and not the McLaren publicists or the photographer they assigned to the shoot.
Now i'm singin' "Jealousy" from Martin Solveig, thanks guys!
Wait wait, just to confirm... it now seems like he didn't actually buy the license plate?

I'm basing my assumption off that link, as well as what someone posted earlier linking to a german article (although I can't read it, it's the impression I got)
Quote from DeadWolfBones :Yeah, I'm sure he chose that pose, too, and not the McLaren publicists or the photographer they assigned to the shoot.

In his defense, that looks like the shot for every Tag Heurer ad in history.

Personally I don't care for him or his antics much either.
#72 - J.B.
Quote from ChiShiFu :Wait wait, just to confirm... it now seems like he didn't actually buy the license plate?

I'm basing my assumption off that link, as well as what someone posted earlier linking to a german article (although I can't read it, it's the impression I got)

Q. Anything to be learned or gained?
LH: Not particularly, no.

Me thinks the answer was supposed to be

I learned that you need to stop at red lights

Tristan needs to come back so we can point and call him names. This part of the thread is no fun without him.
indeed... it seems like he did an intrepid there

Lew 1s
(141 posts, started )