Stupid question, I know, worse yet concerning my age, but you get all sorts of inconsistent and contradicting information, so I simply had to ask at the most reliable source full of intelligent and well-educated people 
The "experts" say that unprotected sex leads to pregnancy and that even without achieving the orgasm, you can achieve an ancestor, if you get what I mean. Now I have heard of stories where couples were trying and trying hard to have a baby, waiting for ovulations, spending hours copulating and it took months to finally successfully concieve a baby.
Can a girl get pregnant after a very short (minute or two) session of sex without "making romance explosion in her vagine (thx Borat)" ? Or, let me reformulate my question...What is the chance of it? Is it really that easy to get pregnant?

The "experts" say that unprotected sex leads to pregnancy and that even without achieving the orgasm, you can achieve an ancestor, if you get what I mean. Now I have heard of stories where couples were trying and trying hard to have a baby, waiting for ovulations, spending hours copulating and it took months to finally successfully concieve a baby.
Can a girl get pregnant after a very short (minute or two) session of sex without "making romance explosion in her vagine (thx Borat)" ? Or, let me reformulate my question...What is the chance of it? Is it really that easy to get pregnant?