The online racing simulator
Kyoto 500 Qualifying OFFICIAL THREAD
Kyoto 500 Racers and Marshals !

This thread is the official thread for the Kyoto 500 Qualifying, which takes place on 21 and 22 June 2008.

The schedule will be the same each day, as well as the format.

Each day, qualifying will be open from 1800 UTC until 2500 UTC (0100 the next morning). You may show up and leave anytime during that time. The server will be set to practice mode. Track is open for practice when there is no one wanting to take a run at that time, so you're welcome to turn laps and practice drafting, practice pitstops, and whatever else.

If you wish to take a run, inform me via !pm in the server. If the track is open for practice, I will red the track, then bring you into the run. You will have two laps to warmup before your four timed laps start. (The regulations will change to reflect this, as they still say one warmup lap.)

You may NOT do wall riding or any spinning/sliding technique to warm your tyres. The two laps is plenty good time to get tyres to temp. And everyone will be equal since there will be virtually no wait for a go. To clarify: THe ONLY thing you may do to warm your tyres on the warmup laps is to drive the line. Highline, lowline, etc. But nothing that you wouldn't do in a race lap.

Your qualifying time is the AVERAGE of all four laps.

You have three attempts over the two days to make a run. An attempt is counted once you start your first flying lap. If there is a server issue, you will not be charged with an attempt during your run. Each new attempt nullifies the previous time - it will NOT stay. So if Attempt 2 is slower than Attempt 1, Attempt 2 is still the time used.

Any questions, ask 'em here.

Attached files
Qualifying_FINAL.pdf - 55.1 KB - 526 views
If someone crashes on their qualifying laps or uses a wrong setup... is he charged with an attempt or does he get a redo
If you are on the confirmed entry list, and have something that will prevent you making qualifying, you may ask me via PM about doing a run duirng the week after the sessions. I may or may not grant you this option. If you don't contact me before THE START OF THE FIRST SESSION, I will refuse to allow you to take the run during the week.

Also, in the OP, I've posted the pdf of the Excel Worksheet I will be using to track qualifying. I have included an example of what it will look like with a line filled out.

So are these four sessions eventually linked?

IE: If I run a 36.93 avg and shenri runs a 36.92 average in a totally different session

He would get the pole correct? Or would I get it because I was in another session, and his session was after mine?
The Starting Lineup will be determined from the most current attempt from all sessions. So, if you go very first on Day 1, and run a 36.92, and at the last call on Day 2, someone runs a 36.91, the 36.91 would still be pole.

I thought about making Saturday the only day pole was up for grabs, but decided against it.

Also, this will be updated in the regulations by Saturday, but you have the option of waving off an attempt before completion of the final timed lap of the run and NOT have that attempt charged against you. I am also changing the quota from 3 over the weekend to 3 per session, so 6 over the weekend (not carried over from one to the other, however.)

#6 - Mazar
Quote :Also, this will be updated in the regulations by Saturday, but you have the option of waving off an attempt before completion of the final timed lap of the run and NOT have that attempt charged against you. I am also changing the quota from 3 over the weekend to 3 per session, so 6 over the weekend (not carried over from one to the other, however.)

Wow, major changes again..on the day qualifying starts

Is there a list of entrants now qualified to run in qualifications for the event?

Thanks, Maz
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Final results from qualifying sessions posted.

Two drivers did not attend, and therefore did not qualify, and will not start in the Kyoto 500: Ladinho and NtrlBrnRacer.

Two drivers did not attend, but informed me of other obligations beforehand, and are being given sessions during the week: greg_slideways and TeamPlayersBlue

The results are not official yet.

Car 22 - Sissolak - was given a 6-spot penalty for his run for tyre warming, but as his time is last on grid, that will be the penalty as it's the maximum distance he can travel.

PDF updated with TeamPlayersBlue's run. He's 21st fastest. Now just waiting on greg_slideways to do his run, and then the starting lineup will be official.

Final Qualifying Results Posted.

Hello racers.

I was really happy to be the 1st qualifier, but unfortunatly i can't join the race cause i'm invited to a familly barbecue wich i can't really refuse to go too. So i hope you guys have a very nice race and thanks for hosting it. I hope we get more oval events in the future.

Sorry to have to say I will not be able to race in the Kyoto 500. Somethings have come up and I have ended up staying a few extra days on my trip, and although I do have a wheel and a computer, I do not trust the wheel or computer enough to be able to drive the 270 laps. Thanks to Deko and the rest of the admins for hosting this event, wish I could of raced in it and as ronaldnl said I hope we get more oval events in the future.
88 Also out...

Dont have the connection for this one, drops me out after a few laps.

Good race guys, good luck.

Best, Maz
Just received a personal call, i also must pass. Sorry.
Looks like I have to pass this one too. My cpu got some virus and I'm just trying to get rid of it. I think I can't make it to the race. Have a good race, not SC race :arge: