The online racing simulator
[EDT] Extreme Drift Team
(7 posts, started )
[EDT] Extreme Drift Team
Hi ! Salut !

I create lately a team, it is a french team, I puts this message here to introduce us and for the french guys which searches a team!

The link of the forum is ;

For the pleasure of you or even on my forum and on game !

Tu devrais songer à te procurer une license si tu veux que quelqu'un porte attention à toi sur ce forum.

Les Demo racers sont pas la priorité de la majorité des gens ici, quand même je te souhaite bonne chance avec ta team!

oh god.... not another one..... we need more racing teams!
Ouais je sais bien que je devrais l'acheter la S2 mais j'ai un problème de carte de credits, j'ai que 16 ans donc moi j'en ait pas et mes parents veulent pas fournir :S
Just a question; why does the five videos on your Youtube channel show S2 content when you are a demo racer??

DavTuning @ Youtube

Wow I pwnt two Demo Racers in two days. 1/1 ratio!
We need burning bananas now!
Quote from CobraDrifter :We need burning bananas now!

I reported him 2 hours ago, hoping that a modo will see this before he delete the vids!

[EDT] Extreme Drift Team
(7 posts, started )