The online racing simulator
I don't know if this is possible, but it would be a nice touch if, when you were spectating a race, you automatically spec'd the car you bet on. For some reason, I always get the other one... unless that's done for a reason.
I'm currently on the server. Come and join me!

EDIT - The system's down... Forget it!
Well, Dash For Cash system is up and running. It is still in Alpha so please post any bugs / issues in this thread with a description of what the cause is / how to reproduce the problem! Thanks
I'm now on the server again, and the system is up. Come on over!
Just wanted to make a note that I updated the first post and the website (if you haven't seen it) is now up so you can see where you rank against the other Dash For Cash players.

Disclaimer: The stats will be reset from time to time while beta testing as some testers are on the system FAR longer than others
I am sorry the Dash For Cash system was not running for the last week, if you didn't know I was away traveling. Unfortunately I gave a teammate a bad copy of the system, so it wasn't able to run for him. The good news is it will be running again tonight and I hope to see some people there... I am hunting an important bug that right now we have no known cause for -

Occasionally when you press a button the system things you pressed the Activate/Deactivate button (or a different button then you actually pressed). I have a hunch that its due to pressing buttons as the menu is refreshing itself, so I need some testers later tonight. System is off right now and won't be running for about 9 hours since I am at work for the moment.
Is this server still running? I ask only because the last two days I looked for it and it wasn't there...
Its up and running: [SR]DashForCash

Still in testing and has been put on hold for other projects and things however get a few people there and have some fun! Will be sure to make notes on it when I start to work on it again.
Well, its been a while and I have been busy but its time to get back on the Dash For Cash project! So I am here to announce the return of the [SR]DashForCash server, which is still in Alpha stage. Come join the server have a bit of fun and leave some feedback for others, (also post any bugs or issues!!) Thanks and have some fun...
System is locked on the Head-to-Head combo for later today. Last night (or tonight/this morning (its 3am)) I worked out a few bugs!

- Auto Restart when both racers join the track!
- Not joining your race will not cause you to never race again.
- Race should restart even if someone joins server (Needs testing)
- Forced spectate due to passengers are now displayed to racer!

More fixes will follow in the following weeks, so stay tuned and check it out as we make progress.
Quote from blackbird04217 :System is locked on the Head-to-Head combo for later today. Last night (or tonight/this morning (its 3am)) I worked out a few bugs!

- Auto Restart when both racers join the track!
- Not joining your race will not cause you to never race again.
- Race should restart even if someone joins server (Needs testing)
- Forced spectate due to passengers are now displayed to racer!

More fixes will follow in the following weeks, so stay tuned and check it out as we make progress.

Im stil researching but i may not participate doe to my sister her excams and her need to learn for those so i wil inform you later by PM
First off all great work on inplementing the "auto-start" feature once both racers join, saves up quite a bit of time, more racing less waiting is always nice at D4C! Great job!

Now to some of the bugs that I remember from last night.

- Autospectated me once or twice (from 40 races or so) in the middle of a race, and from what I remember it happened on the first race after a track change, at least for me.

- Counter of remaining races on current track didn't work last night

- Needed to re-activate myself a few times to appear into the "upcoming races" list again.

Other than that I can't remember any issues, it was a lot of fun (as always) great job on the system Blackbird!
Just so all public members know work has officially begun on Dash For Cash. I am running the old beta version during the day (evening for those near the UTC timezone). During my evenings however I lockup the server and am doing private testing. There are very nice things to come and hopefully some of the bugs in the first post will be fixed...

If you enjoyed DashForCash before, be prepared to enjoy it even more!

Fixed the remaining races before track change bug.
A bug joining.

I had joined, pited to get correct set after track change and it didnt let me join.
Attached files
Bug on.mpr - 8 KB - 233 views
When will be the server back up?
It is back up now. Just get some people together and go to [SR]DashForCash and have some fun.
Quote from blackbird04217 :It is back up now. Just get some people together and go to [SR]DashForCash and have some fun.

It's down.
Yea, my laptop must have went down yet again, and I will blame MS's auto restart when updating... It looks like it won't be up until I get home 8.5 hours from now - sorry guys... I am looking into better solutions however dealing with time changes and stuff that will be waiting until at least the weekend.
Ok, now its 5:55 PM, so I am expecting that it will be up in 1:30 AM .
The server is still up, but don't know if insim is up... the server is passworded and d4c doesn't work.
Fixed that, system was running but it was passworded due to when the system wasn't running... I just didn't remove the password when I restarted the system... Doh! :doh:
Yes, I thought so. Everyone makes mistakes (I don't.. ). Thanks for your willingness BlackBird, see ya on Wangan.
Could you set up on the server car changing after race? It's boring with one same car all the time...
Some kind of bug probably... Server ends the race but won't change the track. We are racing on the same track 3rd time.
Quote from Drift King CZ :Some kind of bug probably... Server ends the race but won't change the track. We are racing on the same track 3rd time.

Its strange, but yes this happens and is known. Also if racers voted to end it would not change tracks... As long as cars are changing it should still remain new combos all the time.