I added an XF GTI, a Formula BMW and a Formula V8 on Aston National with 2 laps and Pit Stop Required.
They all pitted and finished the race.
Same test again on Aston Cadet - all pitted then finished the race.
EDIT : Same again with 20 AI although there were some collisions so a few did not finish. My AI are set to PRO.
EDIT 2 : Again with 20 FBM cars. Most finished successfully although quite a few crashed in the pit lane and burnt their clutch. Also some did not get enough fuel to finish their lap of honour after finishing the race. But as I understand your bug description you are saying they run out of fuel before finishing the race - that I cannot reproduce.
Hi Scawen & thx for new test patch!
Just want to ask one question, why did these buttons dissapear by test patches: <, > and same things up & down.. Well, it does have < & > but it doesnt have up & down.. why is that and can you add then to next test patch?
Thank You!
EDIT: Oh and i ment up & down things like up as: ^ (cant find down :S)
EDIT2: well, down as: v
That's... really really strange...
I am absolutly sure I have Y24 because I have the thing in the middle of the speedometer... Maybe you forgot to put the fix in Y24 or I don't know
Well here is a spr with my AIs in the same config (don't pay attention tot he stupid AI names I'm just a kid )
...sorry for interfering, but I'm following this thread and I've run tests also to get this bug...
Sir moi 407: could you please post a screenshot of the race's config?
That would wipe away any language problems....
edit: I guess it's somehow a normal behaviour of LFS because the AI's are not allowed to pit in the first lap...?
ive done the exat same combo, 2 laps, pit stop required with BF1, F08 and XF GTI, and they did the pitstop. Very strange indeed, must be something wrong with your lfs maybe how about you download another copy of lfs, patch it up to y24 and then see if you still get it
In case you missed it, I have posted the solution to your problem. I think you are missing something in your data\pth folder. This explains why those 3 tracks have a problem and the AI cannot pit.
If I play an SPR file and use the fast forward/fast rewind bar at bottom, lfs needs many time to switch to the selected position within SPR. I've tried fast rewind in first round and lfs need many seconds to switch to the desired replay position. The replay is recorded with Y24 and played also in Y24. If I'm using an MPR, fast forward/fast rewind works fine and really fast.
could you update the Ai hand thing, when ai in a corner, his hands/wheel shaking (spelled rigth?) as hell. update so he is more like a human, even he is a robot
This is perfectly normal, because in a SPR LFS has to recalculate all the physics up to the point you want to fast forward to. In a MPR it can just go through all the position- and race event packets, for the most part skipping the physics calculations up to the last packet.
Maybe Scawen wants to keep InSim compatible by just adding a flag? If he adds new field, the packet itself has to change, so all insim addons have to
Scawen: What about that "invalid lap" flag? I guess the info is in LFS (hit object/wall/grass detection), so why not add the flag to CompCar structure?
Sorry but I'm not adding InSim requests at the moment. The LAG bit is something Victor requested and I could do it easily, in 5 mins. A lagging car basically has an invalid position so I guess that is helpful for things like the LFS Spectator system.
HLVC detection is not calculated in multiplayer mode - it's just for hotlapping - so it's not just a case of adding a flag.
Only fixes now, no requests, Patch Z coming soon. More development after that.