I have never said LFS has super accurate physics . Everytime I play as sim most of the time I utter the words - "That aint right"
Problem is with this current generation of hardware it is nigh on impossible to know if it DOES feel right. The physics could be 100%, and FF 100% accurate BUT it wouldn't feel the same as reality because the lack of G Forces, and demands on fitness.
I can only imagine someone who has a vast amount of experience with a certain type of vehicle can judge a sim to any credible degree... this is why I am looking forward to
KartSim. It is the first sim I can really get my teeth into.
It's gonna be mega
But to bring it back to iRacing. With all this talk of mental physics you do feel that if they really are THAT good you can only appreciate them by investing in top end hardware, which doesn't even exist yet.
the truth is if your using the SAME wheel on the SAME comp with iRacing as with LFS/NetKar etc... the differences ARE NOT going to be THAT big. Hence the reason why I think if you want to invest in iRacing pricing scheme you need the full KIT otherwise it's pointless as a concept. And if you want to invest in all that stuff, why the hell wouldn't u just do it for real?
iRacing may be ahead of it's time in that respect.