The online racing simulator

Poll : What do you think about LFS?

LFS is definitively more than a videogame.
LFS is a videogame, and nothing more.
I have a different opinion about this (please explain it).
Live for Speed - Just a game, or something more?
I have seen some different opinions about what exactly is LFS, so i decided to create this thread to see what you have to say about this.

Do you think Live for Speed is to be considered just as a videogame, to play in your free time, or is it more like an intense training, driving sim?

In my opinion LFS is nothing more than a game. Simply driving a few laps per session (too much time in front of the screen is no good for my health :razz and just having fun, but always racing and respecting others around me, so you won't see me wrecking, for example. I believe it's not to be taken seriously, as if it were a full-time job, because honestly i don't think i can get any productive work from it. Although i know LFS is also used for serious purposes (for example i once saw the BMW Sauber F1 drivers training in it) i don't believe the same applies for the 'average person'.
#2 - aoun
To me, its a game, a simulator and a community.
LFS is my life. I put tears and sweat in that, I would give my life for LFS. LFS isn't simply a game, it's the best £24 that you will ever spend. It's cheaper than a girlfriend you're more likely to stay with it for a longer period than with a girlfriend. LFS is better than anything you ever experienced.

Nah really, LFS is just a game.
Quote from aoun :To me, its a game, a simulator and a community.

You stole my thunder

I see it as a racing game just for fun but also can see it has potential for something more serrious. I don't think they have to be mutually exclusive
LFS is something more.

it's more than a game, but it's not real racing.
#6 - ajp71
LFS is just a niche game with a good community. Nobody uses it as a serious training tool, it may help a bit but we're all here first and foremost to have fun racing each other. I don't think very many actually want to take it more seriously or think that sim racing should be considered a proper sport, which is why STCC and other attempts to broadcast sims have failed and why iRacing is getting rejected by a lot of people.
#7 - Rob
It is definitely just a game.
#8 - aoun
Its a religion.
Fanboy mode *ON*
The other thing is there is nothing to say that everyone gets "fun" out of LFS in the same way. Some like drifting, some like cops n robbers, bump n jump, stunts, criusing, racing, etc

So if LFS can catter to all those avenues of fun there is absolutly no reason why it cant catter for those that want to see it more as a simulator than a game. It's just another group getting their form of fun out of LFS... MS Flight sim is just a game also to some but much more to others, LFS needs a few more details taken care of before it can be considered more than a game I grant you that.
It's more and more another different hobby.
Racing sims aren't really games anymore in the general sense: Dedicated hardware, too repetitive "gameplay" for those who don't get it, too hard/complex, need lots of practice to be good at it, no good offline modes, extremely competitive online community (can't win unless you are really good)...
"Gamers" aren't really interested in sims, and many people doing sim-racing don't really play much of anything else.
LFS is just different for each person, like any other game, hobby, etc
For me is a nice forum for improving my writing/reading English skills and the best racing sim for doing what I can´t do in real life
Quote from jonny__27 :In my opinion LFS is nothing more than a game. Simply driving a few laps per session (too much time in front of the screen is no good for my health :razz and just having fun, but always racing and respecting others around me, so you won't see me wrecking, for example. I believe it's not to be taken seriously, as if it were a full-time job, because honestly i don't think i can get any productive work from it.

Exactly my opinion, too.
#14 - JJ72
It's the only game that I cared to meet other players in real life, have real friendship, and the whole experience actually benefited my study/career in many different ways. It also led to many real life opportunity to have fun with cars.

all things considered, it's yup a community.
For me it's just one of the best attempts around at having a go at simulating cars and a racing environment. I'm curious to see how far it will go... I'm actually a bit weird like that because I pretty much have no interest in cars in the real world, but I'm excited about virtual cars.
In my opinion LFS is a game -> at the moment <-
I am sure there will be many more improvements to it that will turn it into a sim. One of the things to fix is to stop cars from flying 50 feet in the air when someone taps a barrier .. but thats going OT
Even as a game, I have never tried anything as realistic apart from real life itself
I would associate simulators with serious training. LFS could be used for that in the future I think, but at the moment it is mainly used to have fun and meet with other users online for a race/drift/cruise. However many flame wars there are, the community helps keep the "game" alive. We all hope for fixes and updates to make this game more realistic to give us a more immersive and enjoyable experience. LFS is aimed at people who find realistic fun, and so the game is made as realistic as possible in a fun, game like environment. That's how I see it anyway

I hope it will always stay this way :grouphug:
At first LFS was designed as a game but with the amount of connectivity the simulation became more real as people shared it. When i first played it i thought this must have a large background and it does. I think apart from maybe a few others LFS is a very popular game and thats why its more than a videogame.
Simulate: to create a simulation, likeness, or model of (a situation, system, or the like)

It is a simulator. Sure, for some it's a game, regardless it's a simulator.
Much more...
For me, this game is so much more than a videogame. I have an absolute passion for driving. I drive a car in Real life that is almost completely impractical in every way because it feels so great to drive.

I race a car IRL as often as possible and as often as funds allow it. My father owns the car and we maintain it together on our own from engine rebuilds to tire changes. While thats a blast, track fees alone for non competitive time trials at our local track can cost $200-300 per driver per day.

LFS for me is a way to re-create almost every aspect of the fun I have at track days with extremely cheap operation.

I am very grateful for the fun I get out of this non-subscription, community driven, cheap source of entertainment.
#20 - Dac
LFS is not a game for me either. its a way for me to do what i feel very passionate about but arent able to do in real life (money). i think its a very good thing what the LFS developers are doing, they are giving something to people that can mean a heck of a lot. a racing career is something ive always wanted to do even as a young child. and since completeing the grand turismo series when they first came out (i was about 10) its something thats became very important to me.

LFS is my way of living the life i would have choose had i had the choice.
Its not just a game, its like a hobby
I know it's very addictive, and it has quite a large community, but I still think its a game and but its also one of the best racing sims you can find.
All the games I've ever tried, I have gotten bored from them in longest half a year. But LFS I have played already little bit more than 1 year and I'm not even getting bored, k, maybe sometimes I don't feel like playing it, but after couple of days I feel like playing it again. For me it is just a game, but it's the only game I've never gotten bored so fast, and the only game I play wright now. I've tried some other racing sims before, but didn't really like them or I don't want to waste my time for them. But I just like LFS. Sometimes its nice to race with someone, and there are always someone online. So it's never boring at S2.
LFS is a physical manifestation from this....
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After 6 Years its more as an Game for me.
Every Week look at News, Patches, Forums, Addons.

And then we fight every Night the Raceline. I hope this will never end or Finish!
Its feel like we are all a Part of Produktion from LFS.

I hope Lfs go to S5 or more. I Live for Speed definitly