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Need lap times, plz read
(6 posts, started )
Need lap times, plz read
I'm a keyboarder, veteran but not all that great. I was hoping someone could give me some good lap times to shoot for.
Track: Blackwood regular

Thanks a lot, I tried looking around but I can't find a good reference other than world records, which does no justice my times aren't even close. If someone could possibly post like, a range, like hypthetically, (1:10 to 1:14 would be good) Something like that, I appreciate it. I've been working really hard on setups and I think I've got awesome setups for the FXO, XRT and FXR for BP.

The reason I choose blackwood is because I already went through the trouble of working on setups, and although it's not the most dramatic track, it's fun, and I'd like to master it, then move on. My next challenge will be Fern Bay Gold rev, and maybe normal too, love that track, actually I think my setups might work on that track, times for that track would kick a$$ too. Any help at all, or a link to a page I missed would be much appreciated. Although I'm on keyboard, I'm pretty quick, I can't quite compete with ppl who have uber setups, but I think I'm as quick as I'll ever get on KB. Again, thanks for any input.
To get within the benchmark time (103% of the WR) is a pretty decent achievement. I don't think I've ever got closer than 102%, apart from just after a patch launch.
Would help if you posted what times you are doing in each car...
#4 - HVS5b
I'm certainly no speed merchant, but I've found the following times are what I feel are decent for me

FZR @ BL1 1.07.XXX (high 7's or low 8's all acceptable!)
FXO @ BL1 1.23.XXX (ditto mid 23's -mid 24's)

Good luck fella
Thanks, I haven't really kept track of the times, only while I'm actually hotlapping, but I'll take note of my best times from now on, so I know where I stand.

Need lap times, plz read
(6 posts, started )