Omega Drivers - Not Recognised???
(5 posts, started )
Omega Drivers - Not Recognised???

Yesterday I formated my computer and I started reinstalling the important stuff (Avast!, Photoshop and LFS ) and today I tought it would be a good idea to install some drivers so I can play LFS. I downloaded the Omega Drivers (the lastest) but for some reason, even after cleaning my drivers with NFR, Windoze wont recognise my drivers so I'm stuck on a 800x600 @ 60Hz CTR monitor and it's a pain in the arse. Anyone got problems with those drivers and managed to solve it?? Thanks in advance!
Try installing official drivers for whatever card you have. Also, use Driver Cleaner Pro to clean up the Omega ones.
Oh well I used Nasty File Remover to clean the Omega crap and I rolled back to Nvidia's 175.XX.X drivers. I wanted to try something else because, for some reason, my LFS went from 85 fps to 42 fps after I formatted my compo...

Oh and I still get shitloads of problems right now, thanks to my Windows Corporate key and Windows Genuine Advantage! :zombie:
Omegadrivers seem to be discontinued so there's very little reason to keep using them. Omega's Nvidia drivers v1.169.25 (based on Forceware 169.25) are dated 27/12/2007...
What I was looking for was Xtreme-G drivers. Now I found them and will install them when I get time. Thanks for the answers anyway!

Omega Drivers - Not Recognised???
(5 posts, started )