Poll : Do you think it should be a top prioty; improving graphoics of LFS?

Yes, but I'd prefere more track/car updates first
Not Bothered: I suppose any improvements are good
how are these amazing graphics achieved?
Ive got the high res package, but my game never looks like this!(look at ' nice graphics ')
or hav they just used photoshop?....!
plz answer as im always eager to improve the my graphics as I always wish it looked like this...(look at others...)

Attached images
nice graphics.jpg
It's a 3D render from an external application.
#3 - doyal
Those graphics are only achievable if you own a Mac. Please click this link to buy one http://www.apple.com/ .

ps WOOP! 123's post ! lol
Quote from doyal :Those graphics are only achievable if you own a Mac. Please click this link to buy one (spamming for Steve Jobs deleted) .

Woo ... a new mix of trolling and advertising. Not seen that for ages.
Oh come on. I thought it was funny
I guess it is, I'm just sick of the whole conception that this forum has about Mac fanboys thinking that OSX is perfect and Vista/XP blows. Sure it's closer to being correct than false, but still pisses me off.
Seing as this has gone offtopic...

@ the OP, i suspose its hard to tell. The second picture is just a LFS render. The 3rd one of project gotham racing looks like a render, and the 1st one looks like an ingame shot. You will typically find though that when you see games being advertised on TV, or in magazines, then they are usually optimized with a editing program.
#10 - Jakg
For a start 2 of those games aren't LFS and the other one is a render which would of taken around 10 minutes to do for a single image - you expect at least 30 of those per SECOND to be created for real-time gaming...
Those two games have whiz-bang flashy effects that aren't necessarily realistic but appeal to the majority of gamers nonetheless. I look at those screenshots and it makes me want vomit and throw my feces at small children.
Quote from Forbin : I look at those screenshots and it makes me want vomit and throw my feces at small children.

Creepiest post of the year.
lfs dev want to attract driver, not fanboy of hdr and bloom
The only thing LFS needs to look more realistic is photo-realistic like textures and some color correction. Other than that, everything else will just be eye candy that you don't see in real life unless you look at the world through a camera all the time.

I had LFS lookeing very realistic at one point, but I forgot to save the files when I formated. It looked so realistic my mother actualy thaught I was watching a race on the internet.

If the graphics looked like NFS 2 then I'd say upgrade, but they are on par with most other sims right now. Games can have amazing graphics because most of the variables that make the cars react the way they do are already calculated, LFS calculates just about everything on the fly, so it takes alot more power to do.
I think the graphic of lfs should stay the way it is, ormy semi-crappy pc wont make it. xD
Actually, first one is a screen shot of a pre-release version of Race Driver Grid, I believe.
i think many people can't play if they made lfs look better, because many people have crap pc's that cant handle better graphics (like me :razz
Yeah - I'm here for the physics and the online fun, not shiney graphics. Hence why I play this, at 640x480 16bit, on my crappy PC - and it barely just keep the framerate playable (20+FPS) in traffic. Any better graphics and I'd be toast.
its somwhere between non real time rendering flashy pointless unrealistic effecs and the fine art of producing bullshots
#20 - th84
I couldnt care less about the graphics. I only bought the game so I could spam the forums and make smart ass comments under a S2 username rather than a demo username.

Thank you, drive ahead to the first window.
Quote :640x480

I haven't heard that for a long long time..
Quote from Electrik Kar :I haven't heard that for a long long time..

I ran it at 800x600 until I realized 7FPS in traffic is not good.
Quote from gingiba :I ran it at 800x600 until I realized 7FPS in traffic is not good.

what are your system specs?
Quote from G!NhO : what are your system specs?

2.6Ghz Pentium D (Dual? Dreck?)
And wait for it... A VIA Integrated with 64MB memory. Shared memory.

I also use a 90-degree turning wheel, but then again, it works better than a mouse. And is cheaper.
Quote from gingiba :2.6Ghz Pentium D (Dual? Dreck?)
And wait for it... A VIA Integrated with 64MB memory. Shared memory.

I also use a 90-degree turning wheel, but then again, it works better than a mouse. And is cheaper.

:yikes: th.....thaa.............athaaaa..............athatahaa.................thats even worse than my sh!tty laptop, 64 MB!!!! DAMN!!!!!!

Intel Centrino Duo T5500 2,66 Ghz
1024MB RAM
(Integrated i think) Sh!tty Intel GMA 945 224MB shared

and ~15 FPS in a 20+ car grid, and 20-60 FPS while racing (all settings on extra low, 1024x768)
and sometimes my pc crashes due to overheating