The online racing simulator
help agian
(19 posts, started )
help agian
guys i need help agian u have just bought s1 and when i go to the server list only three servers come up lol and i put the filters on all yes and still dont work
Because there is only about 3 S1 servers...try getting patch Y22 from here, and if there are any S2 servers using only S1 content, you'll be able to join them too
that didnt help
it wont install lol
If you were in patch Y you have to get the one that goes from patch Y to patch Y24. If you had patch Y19 you have to get from Y19 to 24.

Make sure you download the right one.
how do i know which one is the right one
Assuming you're using a clean 0.5Y install from (it says it down the bottom of the screen when you're on the main menu), then extract this into your LFS folder, and let it overwrite everything. This will bring you up to the new patch
ok thx i have more servers but lol they are empty cept 2 or three
You should have access to both CTRA Race 1 and CTRA Bump and Jump. Both of these are brilliant fun, and (AFAIK) are always S1 available. Race 1 should be populated almost all of the time, and when BnJ is populated, it's great fun

TBH, for the full range of servers, you'll need to go to S2. I have over 30 populated servers ATM, and usually there's more
thts nice lol in the demo i still think there is more servers tho
Thats because there are a bunch of freeloaders and lovable soon-to-be S2 licensed ppl in the demo servers.
There just isn't many S1 servers. People just buy S2.
its funny how i find this out when i buy s1 and have no cash for s2
Quote from kamilek12 :its funny how i find this out when i buy s1 and have no cash for s2

But hey, nothing is lost. You can still race on the demo servers until you get S2, of which you have already paid 50%. Plus you get to drive 6 new cars in single player.
thts true so i would just think of it as me having paid half of s2 lol
But, as it was mentioned somewere up there, you can enter CTRA Bump&Jump and CTRA Race 1 which are often populated and have good racing at times.
CTRA Race 1 is always populated. I don't know about the UK/European times, but you are US as I am and CTRA is always at the top.

The fact is, there just isn't that many racers in the US. Even with S2, you can count the number of populated servers on one hand.

There are probably 4 times as many demo servers populated during US times as there are S2 servers.

You have taken a small step for getting more racers in the US, you purchased an S1 license. Race the CTRA server, tell as many of your friends who are race minded (rather than driving game minded) about LFS and get them into LFS. If you move up to and S2 license in the future, you get 4 of your buddies to join, and each of them get 2 buddies each to join LFS, you'll probably increase the US LFS userbase by 10%!

Racing just isn't as big in the US as it is across the Atlantic is what I'm figuring. We're too busy trying not to lose our homes to worry about motorsports.
... or in Mikes case: Too busy worrying about polystyrene cups and crappy hockey teams.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :... or in Mikes case: Too busy worrying about polystyrene cups and crappy hockey teams.


For the amount of registered S2 users, the participation online is fairly low IMO

help agian
(19 posts, started )