The online racing simulator
NISMO Team [New and Upcoming in patch X demo]
(18 posts, started )
NISMO Team [New and Upcoming in patch X demo]
Why patch X? Y20 is what you need
And by license, then you can drift with your XRT, believe me its much more fun...and you won't be dissapointed about the money you spend for the license!
btw im gettin an S2 license this week and i updated to patch Y24
Well, good. Otherwise, epic fail.
lol ryder, meron ka bang S2?
Quote from LFSn00b :stop being a cheapskate and update to patch y

the thing is, most of LFS upgraded to either Y or Z, except his team and a few others...
Quote from derekd234 :the thing is, most of LFS upgraded to either Y or Z, except his team and a few others...

they are running Y
Nuh, no money for S2.
He is using another account.
Who's using another account?
The OP.
NISMO has died
im in S2 as Irish Man
but its a borrowed user
I wouldn't say that out loud, I heard some bad things about account sharing (and that applies to almost any online game)

NISMO Team [New and Upcoming in patch X demo]
(18 posts, started )