The online racing simulator
#226 - dev
I don't know if this has been reported, sorry if it has. Not really a bug, but it bugs me :P

When the wheel is set to be on the left side, the turn signal and the wippers switch don't change places. Turn signal switch should be on the left, wipers switch on the right...
I think that LFS needs a separate, adjustable IAC instead of just increasing the throttle to keep the car idling. I want to be able to adjust the idle speed!

EDIT:Hmm I wonder how the fuel consumption is calculated on the turbo cars? Because in LFS there are no fuel maps (are there? LOL), but in real life more fuel is injected when there is more boost (sometimes), on aftermarket turbocharging at least. I guess OEM turbocharged vehicles just adjust the pulse width going to the fuel injectors when there is more boost. The more boost there is in LFS, shouldn't more fuel be used?
The interior
Wow, i must say; the interior looks great (on the pictures, haven't got the chance to download it....)

But will it be possible to have some sort of interactive/ or animate the dashboard? (if you flash your lights or turn on the blinkers you can see the switches move, or you can click on the buttons on the dash etc.)

For those who've played Flight Simulator probably know what I mean....
(Yes, I know it's a race simulator, but i'm currently stuck in the cruise servers )

I know i'm asking for a lot now, but will it be possible in the future?

Just an idea,
#229 - hda
fantastic scawen, thanks for the patch!
where is the turbo pressure meter of XRR?
WOW the XRR has headlights now! I love the new interiors. However, I don't like the placement of the gauges in the XRG and XRT. Why is the tachometer on the right side of the speedometer??? Is there a specific reason? Please put the tachometer on the left where it belongs!
Why can't you guys post all the suggestions not related to bug reports in the general discussion thread?
Fantastic scawen!!! Thanks for the patch!!!
Can't wait for the FZ and FX updates!!!
Quote from tikshow :why i can't select autocross anymore?

you can't select it in Hotlap mode
couple of questions.
-Does the XRR have lights that are up and can they be flashed on and off with the lights key?
-about the XRR and XFR skins, is it just the mirrors that are changed(lights on XRR aswell?), will my skins just have that defect?
-what cars got wheel changes? (not steering wheels)
-will my custom XR and XF DDSes still work? or are they all new?
Thx fot sequential gearbox in XFR! :hyper:
Thx for new interiors!

Quote from Zachary Zoomy :couple of questions.
-Does the XRR have lights that are up and can they be flashed on and off with the lights key?
-about the XRR and XFR skins, is it just the mirrors that are changed(lights on XRR aswell?), will my skins just have that defect?
-what cars got wheel changes? (not steering wheels)
-will my custom XR and XF DDSes still work? or are they all new?

1. The XRR lights seem to light up only when you press G, as with all the other cars. But they are not "popup" headlights, they are just regular headlights instead of the covers that were there before.

2. Looks like only the position of the mirrors has changed, everything else looks the same.

3. Don't know for sure, I only tried a few of the cars, but I can say that the rims look better now, they are shinier and more visible than before. Some cars have completely new rims (XRG/XRT). Others just have nicer looking rims while keeping the same design.

4. I checked out the DDS files, and many things have changed position, so the old interiors for XF/XR cars won't work anymore. The UF DDS hasn't changed though.

I have a question of my own though, I hope someone can answer: The old DDS files (for the cars) all had a white square with a black border somewhere in the file which allowed us to change the color of some parts of the car which were untextured. In the new DDS files this square has disappeared. Has it been replaced? Or eliminated completely?
I'm wondering why does XFR has sequential gearbox now and UFR not? Why to ruin two most perfectly matched cars in LFS?
Kinda strange how the rims, which you practically don't see at all during a race, cause the largest portion of complaint now

Quote from Sir moi 407 :Well XFR is sequential so really better than UFR now
You say that the gravity center is better in UFR but in XFR it is better too
EDIT: In my opinion (if somebody cares lol) putting the gravity center more in the middle is a nice thing but not with FZR Because FZR is THE rear motor car and a lot of weight in the rear is nice....

The centre of gravity wasn't moved forward or backward. It was lowered (moved closer to the ground), which reduces body roll and improves handling. The XFR got a sequential gearbox, but I think the UFR got a much more lowered CoG instead. It shouldn't be that easy to flip it anymore, either.
Quote from AndroidXP :Kinda strange how the rims, which you practically don't see at all during a race, cause the largest portion of complaint now

I thought you'd have known by now, people aren't happy unless they have something to moan about

I like every part of the patch, interiors, wheels, XRT is now also VERY nice to drive fast, rear end seems a lot more stable and controllable.
Quote from Andrei221 :bug or what? it freezed then bang..was like this

This usually happened to me when the pc overheated.
Quote from Bean0 :Do the changes to GTR mentioned apply to the FWD-GTR as well ?

Yes, they used to flip a lot so they got lowered CoG and the UF needed some extra improvement to keep up with the XF after it got a sequential gearbox.

Quote from Sir moi 407 :Well XFR is sequential so really better than UFR now

The UF's centre of gravity was MORE improved than the XF. The UF used to flip and had a very extreme front weight distribution. If the balancing is wrong now we need figures, proof... how much do you gain with a sequential box, half a second? How much do you gain with improved centre of gravity and faster cornering? One second? Who knows... if you will claim that the balancing is now wrong, we need the figures to prove it.

Quote from beefyman666 :I've not trawled through this thread but meh, I have found a little problem with the turbo guage in the XRR.

When it's fully 'wound' up its at 25.9psi, and both the digi display and analog (wheel, chase cam) show. But when it's 'idle' it's at -14.7psi on the digi display, but it's 0psi on the analog guage.

The analogue gauge simply stops at 0.

Quote from tikshow :why i can't select autocross anymore?

There are no tracks to do a hotlap on at Autocross.

Quote from Feffe85 :dont know if it´s been posted, but i found that the fbm_default.jpg after patching is showing an RAC doesn't look right..

Please can you explain this? I don't know what you mean, the FBM and RAC default skins seem ok in my version.

Quote from N I K I :I'm wondering why does XFR has sequential gearbox now and UFR not? Why to ruin two most perfectly matched cars in LFS?

If you want to claim the balancing is ruined, please post detailed lap time comparisions. We need this kind of detail to the 0.1 second accuracy, not just vague comments.

Quote from AndroidXP :The centre of gravity wasn't moved forward or backward. It was lowered (moved closer to the ground), which reduces body roll and improves handling. The XFR got a sequential gearbox, but I think the UFR got a much more lowered CoG instead. It shouldn't be that easy to flip it anymore, either.

Most of the changed cars got a 1% or 1.5% rearward or forward shift (FZR) as well. In the GTR cases this was partly by moving the battery mass from the engine bay, to the cabin floor. Also various tweaks to the weight distribution around the car to get the desired improvements.

EDIT - Full details of the class balancing changes :
The bright green letters are impossible to read on white background (for example driver options screen).
Quote from Scawen :Most of the changed cars got a 1% or 1.5% rearward or forward shift (FZR) as well. In the GTR cases this was partly by moving the battery mass from the engine bay, to the cabin floor. Also various tweaks to the weight distribution around the car to get the desired improvements

Thanks for clearing that up, though 1-1.5% is not really significant, is it? Lowering the CoG should have a much more pronounced impact on handling than a weight distribution change from 60:40 to 59:41. I mean, that's much less of a change than you see between a full and empty fuel tank

Quote from DGCNYO :UFR dash so cheap...........

XFR very very good but UFR....O my god.....

Scawen has already explained that, thank you.
Quote from antskaar :Y30 didnt work perfect for me. After loading track:

Couldnt join servers too. Few times LFS crashed during that. Going to reinstall everything. :S

Scawen - Is this a known problem? Maybe even solved? I had the same, but.. in Y24!

I have 2 installations in 2 different directories, a Y version and a Y24 version. I drove S2 content yesterday evening on the Y version.

This morning I tried to drive a S2 car on Y24, but after selecting a S2 car I got an empty screen. Only the "Cars" and "back" or "ready" button were visible. I expected the pit screen. After pressing enter to join the race (from that empty screen) I received the message "Could not load Mischa's car".

I tried the same with Demo cars and I was surprised to see them work, so.. even with my "unlocked" license, I decided to unlock it again.. to see if it unlocks the content then. But it didn't solve the problem.

In the first place I didn't want to update to Y30 and just wait for Z, but because I couldn't drive S2 content I updated to Y30 and... there I don't have this problem.

I've got no idea if this is Y30 related, but if you want I can perform some more tests.

UPDATE - If you want me to do some more tests I might need some more unlock options, cause I'm out of unlocks and have to wait till friday When you release patch Z you add some unlocks again too? I hope so
Thank you!

I like it. Just the new steering wheel is too boring, it misses some kind of logo in the middle... I like the new XFR... That new seat, rollcage, fire extinguisher.... Nice

Now we need "opening" big lights in XR
Quote from SuT :XRT wheel IS NOT GOOD;/ look like from TIR, but XRR is look pretty GOOD.
PLSS cage to XRT xD and all interior from XRR to XRT xD hehe

Man, the XRT is a standard road car
Don´t intend to convert road cars into GTRs, that´s the reason XRR/FZR and FXR exist
Quote from Mithras :My XF reverse lights are red..?

Quote from Flame CZE :Zoom in, they are red wirh white dots, yes I don't like them too.

Made a quick "fix" for it so it looks like the old reverse lights.
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Test Patch Y30 : XF / XR Interiors
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