Maybe some kind of LFS manager game would work. Like an LFS development simulator. You could choose to be scawen, victor or eric. Depending which character you choose you would get kissing&hugging threads on forum if you stay on schedule and patches get released "on time". If you happen to "miss a waypoint" or don't add a community requested feature you start getting letter bombs (rumble effect!) and l33t hack3R attacks against LFSworld.
If you finish the game and S3 gets released you get official progress report and infinite credits. lol
Of course the game would have to be real-time type of game, without the ability of rewinding or restarting. So that's where we get the reality TV version. You are left alone on an island and your mission is to code S3. Because you don't have a computer you need to write the source code on beach sand. But you need to be fast because the tides are coming! This would take stress tests on new level!
In the second version of the reality TV you would get skidmarks and blue flags, oh no, lol
Just a though