The online racing simulator
Show Time to Track Change on Website
I use the raceauthority website to check the server list to see what tracks are available.Then join ,get my set ,have a warm up lap, then it's track change time !

Is it possible to show the number of restarts before the next track change to the server info page?
#2 - SamH
I had some time spare this afternoon, so I reintroduced this feature to the X-System. I will make the info go live a little later tonight when I restart the X-System and edit the website to deliver the data. There are a couple of extra things I'd like to add in, which I'll try and do before restarting the X-System
On the subject of track changes, would it be possible to have a certain number of races before end race is allowed. When we go to BL RallyX, everyone just says "END!!1111" and you can only get about 1 race there
#4 - SamH
It's an element of majority rule, I'm afraid. However (as happened recently) if someone joins midrace just to vote to end it, they're breaking our rules and should be reported. Only the valid drivers in a race are "legally" allowed to affect the outcome of that race, by voting to restart it or end it, or even WIN it.
#5 - SamH
Okay, the Server Status page now shows the number of races left, when it has enough information to calculate it, or alternatively tells the amount of time left on the track if not. The information is written to the database on an event-driven basis, so some of the lesser-used servers will not give particularly good information until they're next raced on.
Brilliant Thank you sir.
And now for my next wish...
Maybe include current lap on race? Judged by race leader?
#8 - SamH
I'm only writing new race status values out to the database at race starts and end screens. I may put in some extra details about race durations later. I'm out of time again for now, though.
#9 - SamH
Meh.. adding this, in the way that I have, appears to have introduced an instability into the X-System software. The software crashed 3 times yesterday alone. I've reverted back to the earlier stable version while I try to identify and fix the problem.