The online racing simulator
Quote from Gills4life :Damn, I've been a busy bee today

You should begin to let people pay for it, you would get rich
Quote from Rascar13 :You should begin to let people pay for it, you would get rich

lol, good idea but no it would be criminal to get payed for something i enjoy doing so much
I changed XRG_Gills engine sound, and I think it sounds a bit like a Aston Martin now Plus I converted it afterwards to XFG and it sounds good there, too

Anyway, I've attached them below if someone wants to try them...
Attached files
XRG_GillsRas.eng - 320.4 KB - 576 views
XFG_GillsRas.eng - 320.4 KB - 677 views
Quote from asbjoern :woooha!

that will blast my speakers, im sure

eeeh wth...crappy speakers, ill use the sound

btw...awsome avatar Ginho!

i dont think its possible to make such a sound for lfs
my avatar is the best
you shure are busy gill
Btw. I didnt even know you drifted?...but thats good..
and you know what.. when you left.. my lfs crashed DD
Keep up the good work
Quote from Gills4life :Ok I tried but it isnt really possible to do the idle sound sorry

the xrr has a nice deep rumble sound, thanks
and fzr is nice too

i wish lfs could simulate V8 sounds
Nice XRR sound mate, I hope you don't mind but starting from that I made a Hardcore version.By the way if you don't like it I will just delete it, I don't want to rip anyone off
Attached files
XRR_GillsCorvette(Hardcore-d).eng - 309.3 KB - 578 views
Quote from BAMBO :Nice XRR sound mate, I hope you don't mind but starting from that I made a Hardcore version.By the way if you don't like it I will just delete it, I don't want to rip anyone off

its a good sound, but i like gills sound more

your sound is less hardcore imo
Well that was me trying to get a sound with not so much clipping. This is my Corvette without bothering about the clipping and it's Hardcore factor is huge.
Attached files
XRR_Bam's Corvette.eng - 309.3 KB - 557 views
Quote from BAMBO :Well that was me trying to get a sound with not so much clipping. This is my Corvette without bothering about the clipping and it's Hardcore factor is huge.

yeah that one is good
No, I did not write it all in caps you fool.
Quote from JO53PHS :No, I did not write it all in caps you fool.

yeah i know, sometimes it does that automaticly its strange
Quote from JO53PHS :Be Quiet You Incompetent Clot!

Theres a forum bug there.

If you quote, then just do a smilie such as , then it assumes the entire message is in capitals, but then instead of just correcting the bit you've typed, it Makes The Quote Come Out Like This Too.
Quote from Blädi :you shure are busy gill
Btw. I didnt even know you drifted?...but thats good..
and you know what.. when you left.. my lfs crashed DD
Keep up the good work

I drift/race/rally .. whatever i feel like i dont need to do the same thing over and over and flame other people for doing different to what I am
Quote from BAMBO :Well that was me trying to get a sound with not so much clipping. This is my Corvette without bothering about the clipping and it's Hardcore factor is huge.

You know my XRR Corvette sound has no clipping, aslong as you arent a noob and drive in chase cam Oh and by the way I recorded a starter sound from a real corvette and put it in the sound, so by using my sound to make a new one, you have effectively stole my recordings rofl I'll let you off this time
Quote from Gills4life :You know my XRR Corvette sound has no clipping, aslong as you arent a noob and drive in chase cam Oh and by the way I recorded a starter sound from a real corvette and put it in the sound, so by using my sound to make a new one, you have effectively stole my recordings rofl I'll let you off this time

gills, your sounds are way better than his
Quote from Gills4life :You know my XRR Corvette sound has no clipping, aslong as you arent a noob and drive in chase cam Oh and by the way I recorded a starter sound from a real corvette and put it in the sound, so by using my sound to make a new one, you have effectively stole my recordings rofl I'll let you off this time

Sorry and thanks mate at the same time, but how many times will you hear a starter in an S2 server?
Quote from BAMBO :but how many times will you hear a starter in an S2 server?

does that matter?

Gills' Sound Workshop
(1523 posts, started )