see my previous post i thought the pedals were a hex key but they werent and now the drill shreaded it and now i can get the right size allen key!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what the hell do i do now!
Why in god's name would you drill any sort of bolt? (FTR - a Hex key is the American term for an Allen key )
The only way to get them out now is to keep drilling, until you're able to prise them out, and then if you haven't destroyed the hole, you'll need new bolts. Make sure to use a bit that's just the right size for the hole, and go in perfectly straight...
Oh dear - what a mess you've got yourself into - ( sorry, couldn't resist all tho' I know I'm not helping any )
Hope you manage to get it fixed, really.
I won't ask why and what - but since it sounds like you knackered a bolt's head: try cutting a vertical notch in it with a rotary tool (dremel) and using a flat-headed screwdriver to get it out. If there's no head left to make a notch in you'll have to drill out the screw with a smaller diameter bit than what the screw itself has.
Judging from your seemingly impatient approach (2 threads, drilling a simple allen/hex bolt, etc) I advise you to let it be for now and do it after you've relaxed a bit.
My post told you exactly what to do, also explaining that a hex key is the same as an allen key...
It depends how much you've rounded it off, but from your description, it sounds fairly knackered. So you need to drill it out...It doesn't make it worse, and metal bits are supposed to fly everywhere. Are you suggesting that they didn't the first time you attacked it with a drill?
If you have done enough damage, it will have expanded and seized in the hole, and you won't be able to screw it out. In that case, you'll also have knackered the hole, and you'll probably find it hard to get another bolt to fit
Also, read the post below. Consider this a life lesson
What exaclty are you doing in the first place to be STUPID enough to drill a screw and come to the forums and complain about doing something dumb you did?
Because it's fairly funny that someone attempts to use a drill to try and disassemble a set of pedals?
I've just finished taking apart my G25 shifter, doing the click mod, and re-assembling. Sure, it took well over 30 mins to take apart and re-assemble alone, but not a single bolt is so much as rounded And it still clicks