Second week.
Theme: Feel the Speed
Examples: http://www.robwilson-images.com/view.php?id=439
http://www.draglist.com/photoi ... 20by%20Peter%20Kumble.jpg
http://tutorialblog.org/wp-con ... 08/03/blur-implyspeed.jpg
The most important of your pic is Philosophy of transmite speed.
Pure Philosophy of design.

Attention: No renders allowed!!
You can only use your own work, and you can't use old pics or work done before this event has started.
You must upload one single picture, manage Attachments and you can use Imageshack or any other site. Write Final entry, please.
You are allowed to edit your post for picture changes.
Please use only the following cars: All cars.
Please use only the following Tracks: All tracks.
Uploads must be all done between Monday 30 of June to friday 4 of July.
Feel free to use filters, effects, pic rotation, etc, etc.
Preview pic: Manage atachments and Previews should not be larger than 400 pixels along the longest side, vertical or horizontal.
Patch Y is recommended. Allowed Pacth Y30.
Thanks for read!!
Winner JJ72: